Page 30 - pte 2 2020
P. 30
Seсtion 5
Questions 27-31
Read the web aiticle and answer the questions below. For eaсh question, put a cross ffi
in the box next to the correct answer, as in the example.
Little Sсreens
Luсy Cavendish
|'ve aIways loved films. l remember going to the сinema with my
рarents or my friends as l got oIder. l stiIl go to the сinema now, and
if my friеnds don't likе whatЪ on, l go on my own. l really don't mind
it, Ьut l simply prefer watсhing fiIms with other pеople. So when
l heard aЬout a girI who had regular film nights for hеr friends, l
wonderеd about doing something simiIa1 Ьut perhaps with a wider
group, and thatЪ how Little Sсreens started!
Onсе l'd had the idеa, l researсhеd film-сlub websites and
disсovеrеd you сan show films in all sorts of loсations. l worked out
how many people l needеd to help run a сluЬ, then asked a сoupIe
of friends to help. For example, one of us found a pIaсe for our first
event, and another sorted out еquipment.
l сhose a { ilm that l thought might Ьe popuIar. EVen so, l сouldn't
Ьelieve it when nearly forty peoplе turned up! Sinсe then, people
keep сoming to join, espeсially after an interview l did in the |oсal
paper. l advertise on soсiaI media too, but almost all the members
say that friends told thеm about the сIuЬ, whiсh is good.
As well as watсhing a film, we hаve quizzеs and snaсks, so itЪ a good
deal сompared to going to a regular сinema. We triеd disсussion
sessions after eaсh fiIm, Ьut it felt too formal. So we deсided to ask
people to сhoose from a list of possibIе fiIms to plаn the next evеnts.
|'d like to show a series of fiIms foсusing on a partiсular aсtorЪ work,
or. iil., from different parts of the world. I went to an international
festival reсently, and saw some interesting things, so watсh this spaсel
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