Page 29 - pte 2 2020
P. 29

1     Read the Section  5 task  instruсtions  on  pages  2  Read the text  on  page  28 and  answer
               28-29"                                            these questions.
              a How many  questions  are  there?                  a ls  it a text  about  true facts  or  is it a story?
               b How many  possible  answers  are  there?         b Is  it a long  or  short  text?
              с  ls  there  an example?                           с  How  do  you  know  what  the topic  of  the
                                                                    teхt  is?
              d Does  it tellyou  how  to show  youf answer?

         1     Look  at the  example  on page  29.  Answer  4     Look  at  question  28.  Тhen  read the  third
              these  questions  to help  show  why B is the       paragraph  of  the text from  / chose  a film that  I
               correct  answer.                                   thought  might  be popularto  the  end.  Answer
                                                                 these  questions.
              a Does  Lucy  talk  about other  сinema  сlubs  in
                 the text?                                        a  How  did  Luсy  ёhoose  a film for the
                                                                    first  event?
               b Does she  talk  about  wanting  to do film.
                 nights  for  a  group  of  people?               b  Was she certain  that  people  would  tike
                                                                    the  film?
               c  Does she say  she was  unhappy  with  the
                 films  shown  at her local  cinema?              c  Did  she expect  this many  people  to come?
         2     Look  at question  27.  Answer  these  questions.  5  Look  at the  options  in question  29. What  are
               a What  key words  would  you underline  in        the three  possible  ways  that  people  could  find
                 the  question?                                   out  about  the сlub?  What  is the  key  part  of the
                                                                  text that  gives you  the answer?  Why  are  the
               b  What  key words  would  you  underline  in      other  two  options  wrong?
                 the  options?
                                                            6     Look  at  question  30.  What  do members  of her
         з     Now  read  the text and  answer  these  questions.  club  get  when  they  come  to see a film?  Name
               a Did Lucy  find  a  plaсe  to show films?  (lf no,  two  things.
                 who did?)
                                                            7     Look  at  question  31.
               b  Did  Lucy  make  a website  for  her  сlub?     a  Does  the text say anything  about meeting  a
               с  Did  Lucy  get  other  people  to  heIp  do  things  famous  actor?
                 for the club?                                    b  Who does  the  text say  has been  to  a film
                                                                    festival  recently?
                                                                  с  What  is the  answer  to'question  3'1?  What
                                                                    words  in  the text  help  you decide  this?

         I     Look  at the words  and  phrases  in the  box      а  l knew  it wouId  work
               below.  Match  each  one  to a word  or  phrase
               (a-f)whiоh  has  the same  meaning.                b found
                                                                  с  I was  surprised
                I couldn't  believe it  al|  sor1s  of loсations
                visited  that  might  be popular  disсovered      d different  kinds  of pIaсes
                I was  сonfident  it would  be a sucоess          e.that  people  might  Iike

                                                                  f  went  to

                                                                                         RЕAD|NG  sEстIoN  5         1-7
   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34