Page 31 - pte 2 2020
P. 31
Seсtion 5
Example Luоy deоided to start her own cinema сluЬ,beсause
A ! she had good memories of previous fiIm сIubs.
в ffi sne Iiked the idea of creating a soсial activity.
C ! she was disappointed with films at her local cinema.
What was the first thing Lucy organised?
л ! somewhere to show her fiIms.
в П t website for,information about her club'
C ! People to take responsibility for tasks.
28 How did Lucy feel about her first club event?
л! Surprised by how many people сame.
B ! Worried about her choice of film.
G ! Confident that it would be a suссess'
29 How do most people find out about the club?
я ! тrrey hear about it from people they know
в П тtley see advertisements on soоiaI media.
с ! тney read about it in the local paper.
з0 Lucy thinks an advantage of her club is that
я ! titm-tovers сan listen to talks about the film'
в ! tne ticket priсe inсludes more than just a fiIm.
C ! members сan suggest films they want to see'
31 Lucy is hoping to give club members the chance to
A ! meet a well-known aсtor'
B f l attend a major film festival.
C ! see films from other оountries'
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