Page 33 - pte 2 2020
P. 33
I Look at the Seotion 6 tasks on pages 32-33 d What question types are there?
and read the instruсtions. e Is there an ёхample to follow?
a How many sets of instruоtions are there?
2 Look at the two texts on pages 32-33. Answer
b How many texts are there?
these questions.
с How many questions do you have to answer a What type of text is the first one?
for each text?
b What type of text is the second one?
1 Look at the example in the first task. 5 Look at question 35. Answer these questions.
a What are the key woids in the question? a Тhe text talks about two different pieоes of
b Whose name is the question asking for? writing. What are they?
с When a name is an answer, what should you b Whiсh of used in her first book?
remember to use at the starl of each word?
6 Look at the first sentenсe of the seсond text
2 Look at question 32. What kind of answer are What is geocaching?
you looking for? What words help you decide? 7
ln question 36, what are the key words? And
a a place what kind of answer are you looking for?
b a name
с a date 8 Look at question 37.lf an item is taken, what
should it be repIaсed with?
3 Now Iook at the text. Answer these questions.
a another item of the same size
a Who is the main оharacter in the book?
b another item of the same value
b Where does the character Iive at the
beginning of the book? c another item of the same price
с Where has she moved to? (Why is the 9 Look at question 38. lf you find an item, what
present perfeсt tense used here?) should you leave on the website?
4 Look at question 34. Answer these questions. 1O Look at question 39. What kind of answer
a ln the first book, what does she wish to do? are you looking for? A date/length of time
or number?
b Does she have the same wish in this book?
Foсus on the language
1 Look at the words and. phrases in the box 2 Look at question 33. What does take
below. Match each one to a word or phrase place mean?
(a-f) which has the same meaning. a start
b happen
return to posts the loсation of the box online с finish
She wants to become an actor learn
Her book was published
boxes often сontain an objeсt
a Her novel went on sale
b go baсk to
с there's usually something inside the boxes
d find out
e Her wish is to go on stage
f shares where they found the box
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