Page 27 - pte 2 2020
P. 27


           (                      Add  all the  flour  and  milk to  a bowl and
                                           well  until  smooth.  Plaсe in  a tin  and
                                  baI< e  foг twenty_fivе  minutes  at l80  degrees.

         A !  arrange
         B !   prepare

         C!  mix


                         Lottie's  Gaf6
           tw            We  offer  evегything  from  ...'.........,  full  mеaIs,  and  IooI<

                         forward  to welсoming  you  and  your  family  soon.

         я!  light snaсks
         в !  main  dishes

         G !  small  bowls


                            The Foshion  House

                 Mid_season  sale:  great  range  of summer  fashions  at,great  priсes.

                          to buy  or  hire for  weddings  or other.speсial  events.

         A  !  Quality  styles
         Ё  !   гormal  clothing

         с !  CasuaI  cIothes

                                                                                        RЕАD|NG  sЕстloN  4          1Е
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