Page 25 - pte 2 2020
P. 25

I     Read the Seсtion  4 task  instruоtions  on  pages  з  Look  at the texts  in the  example  question  and
              24-25'.  How  do you  answer  each  question?       questions  22Io  26  again.  How  many  different
                                                                  kinds  of texts  are  there  in these  questions?
         2     How  many  questions  are  there  in Seсtion  4?   What  are  they?

                                                            4     What  other  kinds  of texts  might  you  see  in
                                                                  Section  4?

         I     Look  at  question  23. Where  might  you  see a  4  Look  at  question  25.  Answer  these questions.
              text  like  this?  Why?                             a What kind  of  text  is  it?

         2     Quickly  read  question  24. Which  part  of a     b Whiсh  option  means  the  same as fult  meals?
               reсipe  is it?                                     с Can  you  eat  smalI  bowIs?
               a  how  to  get  ready  to make  it
                                                            5     Look  at  question  26.  Аnswer  these.  questions.
               b the  instruсtions  for  how  to make  it
                                                                  a What kind  of text  is  it?
               с  the  Iist  of  what  to  put  in  it
                                                                  b  What  is the  main  topic  of the text?  Houses,
         з     Look  at the text from  question  24 again.  What    clothing  or weddings?
               is the text trying  to do?  What  does  it tell  you?
               a  how  to  make  something
               b what  food to  prepare
               с  when  to  put the flour  and milk together

         I     What do eaсh  of these words  mean?  Choose  з     Look  at the options  for question  24. What  do
               the  correct  answer  for eaсh word'               you  think  this recipe  is for? What  would  you  do
               a drop:  increase  / decrease  / rise              with  flour  and  milk  in a bowl?

               b  arrange:  put  on / put  in order  / put  awaу  a arrange  them
                                                                  b  prepare  them
               c delay: stop / cancel  / wait
               d  bowl: deep  round  dish  /flat round  plate  /  с mix them

         2     What  do each  of these words  mean?  Choose
               from  the words  given  in  the  box below.

                design         get  ready
                Iine  of  people  Iower  price

               a  prepare
               b disоount
               с  queue

               d style

                                                                                         RЕAD|NG  sЕстloN  4         2з
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