Page 11 - Oct 2022
P. 11

Tactical and Strategic talk replaced some of
                                                                       the  usual  car  talk  at  this  cars  and  coffee
                                                                       event. Over by the Union Jack, an informal
                                                                       organizational  meeting  was  held  by  the
                                                                       people responsible for putting together the
                                                                       pre-car  show  dinner  that  is  held  at  JD's
                                                                       British  Cars  in  Nashville.  Questions  about
                                                                       tables,  chairs,  BBQ,  how  many  people
                                                                       would attend, drinks, and who was bringing
                                                                       what  on  the  side  item  menu,  were  all
                                                                       booted around the circle as the participants
                                                                       either confirmed completion  or divvied up
                                                                       the tasks yet to be done.
        Above: Caffeine isn't the only thing that can give you the     Further  down  the  line,  Stuart  Naylor  was
        jitters.  Ken  Gaidos,  in  the  red  hat,  doubled  over  looking   thinking  strategy  as  he'd  heard  that  there
        for his seat belt.  He   went for his first and last  ride with    were  already  three  MG  Cs  entered  in  the
        Ken Springer  in his  British kit car, a souped-up  Dutton,    car  show,  which  meant  by  his  calculation,
        and  described  the  experience  as  "scary  fast'.   Ken   was   that a separate  class for his car might be in
        seen leaving Cars & Coffee behind the wheel of  his Austin     the works.  As Stuart has plans to relocate
        Healey 3000, traveling at a sedate rate of speed.  Below:      his  car  to  France  in  the  near  future,  this
        It's  the  stationary  battle  of  the  slinky  roadsters,  Welty's   could  be its last appearance at an NBCC car
        MG and Drummond's Triumph show off their lines.                show.  Continues on page 12

   Above:   NBCC  fielded  anot her   great
 collect ion  of  cars  in  Sept ember  but   t here
 was   one   spot    in  a  prominent   place  t hat
 needed t o be filled  by someone like you.

 If you haven't  been  t o a Cars & Coffee event
 t his  year   t here's  st ill  t ime   t o  make  an
 appearance.  Let  Your Car SHINE.

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