Page 6 - Oct 2022
P. 6
O p e r a t i o n B - D a y
Guy Boye made the important call for this Special Drive.
(This puts him in the company of a British meteorologist that had to make the "Go or Don't Go "
call for D-Day. True Story )
"Do we g o , o r d o n 't we?" That's the inquire if the club might be able to arrange for her
question that was put put to September's drive mother to take a ride in a big Healey to celebrate
host Guy Boye after some of the more nervous this special event. She said her mom and her late
Nellies started to scan the early weather reports for father once owned a big Healey and her mom had
great memories of wonderful times, including
Saturday, September 10th. There was cause for
learning to shift and drive it.
The answer to the 'ask" was, "of course". The club
Depending on what site was checked in the run-up to
expanded on the original request to make the
the drive the forecast was a 45% to 90% probability of
September drive a birthday drive dedicated to Janet.
Allan Satterfield stepped up with his 60-year-old car (
Rain is generally not the friend of convertibles with
above) to provide the big Healey experience. Plans
vintage tops, windshield wipers powered by Lucas, and
were made. It seems only fitting that British style
bodies low to the ground that tend to take on water
weather would get involved once Operation B-Day
when faced with deep puddling. Discretion would have
was approved but still on the drawing board.
required that the drive be rescheduled, but this drive
was different; it was a command performance to There was historical precedent for requiring the
celebrate the 85th birthday of Janet Olsen. tough call: hadn't British weather put a damper on
the original plans for D-Day during WWII and hadn't
Janet's daughter Heather Bogdal contacted the NBCC to
Ike, like Guy, had to make a command decision ?
Continues on page 8