Page 2 - Oct 2022
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Index                                           Did  you  watch  any  of  the  funeral  ceremonies  held  for
                                                          Edit orial: Kindness by Cherie A. Beatty

                                                        Queen Elizabeth II? In all the words that were said about

                                                        her,  the  photos  of  her  70  years  on  the  throne,  the
                                                        timelines  of  the  important  events  in  world  history  in
                 It's News Time, page 4                 which she   participated  and the famous people that she
                                                        knew,  one  thing stood  out.   There  were  many  ordinary
            Annual Sponsors, pages  5, 20,              people  interviewed  by  the  BBC  who  talked  about  their
                        21,28,29,30                     interactions with her.  They didn't talk about her jewels or
                                                        her actions of state,; almost universally  they talked about
                 Operation B-Day page 6
                                                        about  her  kindness,  about  her  ability  to  put  anyone  to
                 Cars &  Coffee, page 10                whom she spoke at ease, about the things she did quietly
                                                        that  no  one  but  the  recipient  of  an  action  ever  knew
            California Screamin',   page 14
                                                        about.  The Queen was kind and for that she was loved.
         National Triumph Convention, page
                                                        My first grade teacher, Sister Agnes Marie, used to recite
                                                        a  little  poem-"Kindness",  she  said,"  that  low  sweet  root
          5 Appreciating Roadsters , page 19            from  which  all  heavenly  virtues  shoot."   It  might  have
                                                        been as important a lesson in life as teaching us to read
               Motorsport News , page 20                or do arithmetic.

                 Save the Date, page  25                Today  it  often  seems  like  kindness  is  a  disappearing

             Club Dinner-Prost! ,  page 26              virtue but then,  look around , like here in the NBCC, and
                                                        you find that it's alive and well,  working quietly in little
              Miracle at Hickory, page 31               ways.   Here's  some  examples.  The   people  who
                                                        volunteered to make a birthday special for someone they
          Restoration, Triumph Italia 2000,
                                                        didn't  know  practiced  kindness  and  did  it  in  the  rain.
                           page 40
                                                        One   of  our   new  members,  Edie  Maney,  shown  below,
              Eats 4 Howloween,  page 50                was  recently  featured  on  Channel  5  News  in  Nashville,
                                                        not  for  doing  something  huge  but  for  doing  something
                      Events, page 52
                                                        small.  Regularly, Edie, a nationally known artist,  goes to
          Remembering Queen Elizabeth II,               her local animal shelter. While it may sound strange   she
                           page 54                      reads to cats and dogs that haven't found homes yet or
                                                        have lost homes through no fault of their own.
                                                                                          She  uses  a  favorite  book
                                                                                        which  she  calls  a  book  of
               Where's Winst on? Found Him!                                             kindness.  Edie  says  she
                                                                                        hopes    that    the   good
         Marianne  Lamb    found   Winston,  first,   in
                                                                                        energy  and  the interaction
         the   September   issue.              Our  bulldog
                                                                                        and  connection she makes
         showed up  on P. 7 in  the Waldens'  ( not the
                                                                                        with  the  animals  helps
         Walkdens',  apologies  for  the  typo)  MGBGT.
                                                                                        them  feel  less  lonely,  less
         Find Winston   (hiding in much smaller form)
                                                                                        afraid.   She  does  it  with   a
         in our pages. Then, send your name and his
                                                                                        calming voice  because she
         location  by  page  #   to
                                                                                        believes     kindness      is
         We  had  multiple   finders  in  September.
                                                                                        understood  by  all  living
         Happy Hunting in October.
          If you're t he  first  finder,  you'll win t he
                                                                                        Practice  it.  Pass  it  on.
           wort hwhile  prize but  you can't  win if
                      you don't  ent er.                      2
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