Page 2 - Dec 2022
P. 2
Index It's our Biggest Christmas issue ever. Actually, it's also our first
Edit orial: That Holiday Feeling by Cherie A. Beatty
Christmas issue ever but the season tends to inspire harmless exaggeration.
We spent November participating in club events , and If you're a Triumph
owner, you've already been invited for an event scheduled for February 10,
2023. Check out page 8. Now, let's jump right into December.
President 's Corner, p. 4
We're ready to celebrate, to remember, to spend time with family, and with
Vet eran's Day in Franklin, p. 6 friends, old and new. There are a variety of holidays that take place in
December, but there's no doubt that Christmas takes center stage for many
The Damons' Excellent people. While there are some holiday customs that are uniquely American,
Advent ure, p. 10 the melting pot that is our country has also assimilated the holiday traditions
of many other countries and put them to good use. Some, however, stay
Meet Me at Mazat lan, p.18 firmly rooted from whence they came.
For our purposes, as a British car club, this issue has a special focus on the
SPECIAL: Brit ain at Christ mas,
things that make up a traditional British Christmas, some of which have not
p. 20 transferred across the pond. I hope you'll enjoy discovering some things about
the holiday season that you may not have known. Then, don't forget the
Boys & Toys, Men & Tools, p. 34 Scottish tradition of greeting the first footer on New Year's Eve as you hum
Auld Lang Syne.
NEW! Track Rat s, p. 50
We have a feature story from JD and Cindy Damon, recently returned from
2023 Teaser wit h St uart Naylor, their first visit to England. In 16 days, the Damons experienced only a single
day of rain--almost impossible to believe. Stuart Naylor was in the home
p. 52
country in November and sent us a teaser photo of one of the cars he saw
Mot orsport News, p. 56 while visiting family and friends. There will be more from him in the first issue
of our New Year.
First Foot ing and Auld Lang Nostalgia and vintage toys are always part of the holidays. While his
Syne, p. 62 workshop is not at the North Pole, Lou Stans shares with us the story of his
1936 lathe, used to keep his E-type in perfect running order. Boys/toys,
Part ing Shot , p. 64 Men/tools--Lou proves it's possible to have fun while doing serious things.
We're also welcoming a new columnist in this issue. Sharon Stewart brings us
Track Rat s, designed to appeal to the vintage racing fans in the club.
On a personal note, my family has always added a bit of a darker twist to the
season of the solstice (I remember, clearly, the year my father put a soft,
plastic cockroach in the tip of my Christmas stocking; I was in my 40s, he in his
Where's Winst on? late 70s, and he laughed like a kid when I shrieked as I pulled out not a plum. )
Thus, for me, the holidays don't begin until two things happen: First, I watch
Our bulldog is starting to feel
the 1954 version of Whit e Christ mas and ponder why anyone would have
lonely. With no finder in November,
cast Bing Crosby, 51, as the romantic lead for Rosemary Clooney, 26, ( There
he's beginning to wonder if it's
are apparently Christmas miracles in Hollywood casting decisions. ) even as I
something he did or should have
enjoy watching Danny Kaye and an impossibly thin Vera- Ellen, 33, dance the
done. Find Winston (hiding in film away. [No, White Christmas, the song, did not debut in White Christmas --
much smaller form) in our pages. that took place with Crosby singing and Fred Astaire dancing in Holiday Inn,
Then, send your name and his released in 1942. ) Second, I have to crank up my favorite holiday song , that
location by page # to just happens to be by Nashville Boy Made Good, Ray Stevens. His I'm Giving Guilt for Christ mas video (at right) is one of his better efforts, albeit with an
odd accent, and depending on how your season goes, you may want to add
If you're t he first finder, you'll
it to own list for next year.
win t he wort hwhile prize --but
you can't win if you don't ent er. Wishing you a peaceful and happy season, however, you plan to celebrate.
Cont est s are funny t hat way. MOTORING will return in 2023 . Cherie