Page 4 - Dec 2022
P. 4

It's N ew s T im e

                                                                                                 Holiday Trivia: Did you know that
                                          w ith  Todd Fon tech ia, N BCC Pr esiden t            Father Christmas, who began as
                                                       Happy Holidays, folks!                   St. Nicholas in full robes,  used
                                                                                                    to wear a green suit, a
                                        Time to focus on family and friends as we drive into
                                                                                                 throwback to the  tradition in
                                        the happiest time of the year. The NBCC is getting
                                                                                                   the UK of the Green Man?
                                        into the fun, too, and the Pre-Holiday Brunch and
                                        cookie  and   gift   exchange  is  right   around  t he   He didn't officially wear a red
                                        corner on Dec 10t h.  Be sure to RSVP by Dec 3 so  suit until 1870 when Santa Claus
                                        we can plan accordingly.                                 was imported to the UK from
                                                                                                America and began to look like
                                        See details  in the newsletter on page 47.
                                                                                                 the jolly old elf featured in the
                                        Now  that  the  driving  season  is  over  and  our  LBCs   poem Twas The Night Before
                                        are going into hibernation, it's  a good time to take     Christmas, originally titled A
                                        on  those  little  (or  big)  automotive  projects  to  get   Visit from Saint Nicholas.
                                        your  prize  ready  for  Spring  2023:   Oil  changes,  Air
                                        filters,  Brakes--  now  is  the  time.   If  you  have
                                        questions  or  need  help,  there  are  plenty  of
                                        members  that  are  happy  to  provide  advice  and
        maybe even assist with your project.

        Breaking news! The new website for the club  is in its final stages and should be
        up and running in January.  It will have a  modern look and feel, while making it
        easier to navigate and find the content you're  looking for.  It even works well on
        mobile devices. Stay tuned! We have also created a new site (Blog) to help you get
        answers to your British Car questions.  Repairs, restorations, history, whatever you
        have questions about related to the British cars we love.  We'll  provide a link on the
        new website.
         Club Dinners: If you'd  like to volunt eer t o host  t he next  dinner, please let me
        know at We can do this all year round, even
        when the weather is too cold for club drives.  Let?s keep it going!

        That's  all for now folks. Stay safe and may all your  holiday surprises be good ones.
        Have fun and keep?em on the road. Cheers, Todd

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