Page 1 - Huntwick Herald AUG 2020
P. 1
August 2020
Volume 273 The Official Publication of the Huntwick Civic Association, Inc.
Huntwick 4th of July Decorating CORNER
Contest Recaptures Holiday Revelry Take a victory lap, Huntwick. You made
it to August, and in 2020 that’s cause
The COVID-19 pandemic didn’t stop Huntwick Forest from celebrating Independence enough for celebration! We’ve all been
Day in style. Residents didn’t see the annual parade or attend the pool party. Instead, this COVID-19 crazy since February/March,
year residents decorated their homes, lawns, and gas lights. Families put in a lot of effort so take a deep breath and slow down for
to celebrate the USA with flair and charm. The decorating themes ran the gamut from a bit. After all, it’s too hot for high blood
fabulous colors, flags, banners, planters, flag bunting, wreaths and patriotic signs. pressure anyway. Author Sam Keen said
it best: “Deep summer is when laziness
More than 40 homes were adorned with patriotic decorations to celebrate the Fourth of finds respectability.” Reflecting on Sam’s
July holiday in a socially distant manner. A huge thanks to all who participated in the wisdom, I can’t think of a better place to be
decorating contest! “respectable” than Huntwick.
Maybe it’s the 11 Below beer, maybe it’s the
tall pines and shady oaks, or maybe it’s the
colors exploding from the crepe myrtles –
Huntwick is simply the best place to relax
and soak up the end of summer. As the
mercury rises, my walks have slowed a bit,
leaving a little more time for conversations
with neighbors. Each one of my interactions
drives home the fact that our community
– you all – are awesome. Keep smiling,
keep waving, and we can all be the reason
somebody else has a good day.
Even though the dog days of summer
are winding down, please be mindful
that hurricane season is just getting
started (I know, right after the aliens and
giant Manhattan-sized meteor). A little
preparation now can help provide shelter
1st Place from 2020’s next gift:
Winner: 1. Make sure your homeowner’s insurance
is paid up.
Olympia Fields 2. Contact your insurance agent to
Lane check your coverages. Most standard
photos continue on page 3 homeowner’s policies do not cover
flood damage.
continued on page 3