Page 5 - Huntwick Herald AUG 2020
P. 5


                                      Huntwick Monthly Crime Stats: June 2020

        Oh, my goodness! It’s hot and humid out there! Folks, don’t forget   Important Reminder: Let’s Not Be a Victim!
        to put on your sunscreen and drink plenty of water and fluids   Let’s continue to keep our Huntwick safe, secure, and family-
        – and not just beer, although it feels like it might help. We’re doing   friendly! Be watchful for anything that looks suspicious or
         a great job with social distancing, wearing masks, and exercising.   inappropriate, especially when it comes to our children, young
        The CDC guidelines work so let’s keep our community safe and   adults, and seniors. Please don’t leave your tools in plain sight
        healthy. COVID-19 symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness   and unattended when not in use. Posting it on social media is
        of breath. Check for complete information.
                                                                  not the same as calling the sheriff dispatch at 713-221-6000
        The National Domestic Abuse Hotline Number is:            (press 6).
                                                                  Also, don’t forget to submit a Vacation Watch on your house if
        Crime:                                                    you are going on vacation. Call 832-927-2997 between 8:30 a.m.
                                                                  – 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Be sure to inform your
        There was not much to report during June in the form of major   neighbors as well so they can watch your house while you are
        incidents; however, we did have some activity:
                                                                  gone. If they see any suspicious activity or person(s) have them
        1. Deputy Doughty responded to DOA call; we lost one of our   call the Sheriff’s Department 713-221-6000 (press 6).
          seniors in Huntwick. No crime was committed.
                                                                                                         Carl Shannon,
        2. Deputy Cooper responded to two arson fire calls: one at                          Security Director/Coordinator
          Donut Lake tennis courts at approximately 8:18 a.m. on June 22,       713-364-8869 •
          2020. The cause was a bad lamp on one of the light poles. The
          other was on Westminister Court at approximately 8:53 a.m. on
          June 29, 2020. Nothing serious; no report was taken.
        3. One loud-noise disturbance was reported during the month:
          On June 26, 2020, at approximately 11:18 p.m. on Mable Gate
          Lane, answered by the fill-in deputy.

        4. Deputy Cooper responded to two domestic prevention calls:
            a.  June 1, 2020, in the 5500 block of Fountainbridge
               Lane at approximately 6:29 p.m.; he assisted with a
               family problem. No report was taken.
            b.  June 12, 2020, in the 5400 block of Crown Colony at
               approximately 6:58 p.m., two neighbors in a heated
               argument. Issues were settled and no report was taken.
        Please, let’s keep our neighbors in mind when entertaining
        friends and guests late at night or early in the morning.
        Entertaining is nice, but so is peace and quiet.
        There have been no home burglaries, vandalisms, or assaults
        reported, but there have been four suspicious persons and eight
        suspicious vehicles reported in our area. There was another
        aggressive dog report taken by Deputy Doughty. Please make
        sure your dogs are on a leash or properly secured so that they
        are not running loose in our community.

        Our patrol deputies are continuing to monitor our public
        street inside of Huntwick. This also includes watching out
        for suspicious persons, solicitors, and criminal mischief by
        individuals. Keep your speed down (the limit is 30 mph) when
        driving through Huntwick, and always lock your cars when
        parked on the street or in your driveway.

                                                        Huntwick Herald                               August 2020   5
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