Page 3 - Huntwick Herald AUG 2020
P. 3
President’s Corner - continued
and support the local businesses that
support your community newsletter. 3. Have a licensed contractor inspect your roof’s structural integrity.
4. Clean your roof gutters, downspouts, and drains.
Air of Spring/Champions
281-350-9392 5. Contact a certified arborist to inspect the health of your trees and remove any dead
Better Homes & Gardens wood before it falls on your house, a neighbor’s house, or a neighbor.
Pam Hughes | 713-725-1213 6. Perform any nagging maintenance projects on the exterior of your house that could
Stephanie Martens | 713-922-8529 be used by an insurance company to deny an otherwise covered claim. Wear and tear,
wood rot, and neglect are insurance adjusters’ best friends.
Houston Methodist Willowbrook Hospital
281-737-7463 That’s it for this installment of the “President’s Corner.” Before the air turns crisp and
Ray Blackburns the leaves start to fall, walk outside and marvel at the beauty of our neighborhood.
281-893-5101 You’ll surely be reminded of why it’s called Huntwick Forest.
Sprinko Landscape As, always, please feel free to reach out to me if you would like to discuss the neighborhood.
VCA Prestonwood Animal Hospital
Jeff’s Topcare Pharmacy
832-861-0081 Brad Aiken, President
832-293-1105 •
Wired Electrical Services
Gas Product Services
Home PC Help | 832-563-9080
Family Mobile Oil Change | 832-348-6976
Winners -
For information on this and other
neighborhood publications,
please call 281.583.7661
Honorable Mention: 5223 Court of York
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Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles, Best Gaslight Winner: 13723 Balmore
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Huntwick Herald August 2020 3