Page 108 - Meeting with Children Book
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social aspects of discourse. There is
some acknowledgment of a partner's
turn and the older of this aged child can
determine how much information a
listener needs
4 yrs plus Draws stick figure, copies triangle,
square, diamond, adds trunk and arms
to person drawing, draws identifiable
objects without copying, copies own
name, copies numbers (Drawing skills)
Moral Development
Morality is related to the capacity to take responsibility for
one's own actions. Moral reasoning
develops from infancy continuing to
adulthood. It begins with a concrete here
and now thinking and moves to abstract perspective taking.
The development of abstract thinking leads the way to
making decisions for the greater good (McGrath and
Brown, 2008). Early childhood is controlled by
reinforcement, punishment, direct instruction and
modeling. These influences are provided by significant
others and are at first experienced as an external standard
that a child follows. As time goes on, children begin to
internalize rules of behavior and their behavior comes
under personal control through evaluations of self-