Page 128 - Meeting with Children Book
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play where she pretends to make
dinner, serve it, wash the dishes, and
go to bed. This is a linking of schemes
and demonstrates a number of
sequences that get woven into a
whole with a beginning, middle and
end. Following the ability to string
schemes together to create scripts, by
the ages of 4-5 years, children are
capable of using imaginary characters
within play
5 yrs plus Organizes other children and props for
role-play. Can direct the actions of at
least 3 dolls, making them interact
(Symbolic and Representational Skills)
6 yrs plus Can direct dolls, where each doll plays
more than one role at a time (i.e., one
doll can be mother, doctor, daughter).
In this case experts in the field of
cognitive development would identify
this as "role intersection" as the child
demonstrates a growing
understanding of roles and categories
of behavior (Symbolic and
Representational Skills)
5 yrs plus Imitates scenes from different aspects
of life; pieces together into new script
(Imitation Skills). This is important
because you will see in play new
sequences made up of pieces of action
that come from memories and that
represent relationships with others
5 yrs plus Can construct complex structures with
vertical, horizontal, symmetrical
aspects. The child can integrate
spatial, cause-and-effect, and
representational thinking into