Page 130 - Meeting with Children Book
P. 130

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                    5-6 yrs       Copies rectangle; copies letters and
                                  numbers with more accuracy, but still
                                  has many errors (Sequencing Abilities)
                    5 -7 yrs      Black and white /all or nothing
                                  thinking. This age group does not
                                  describe both favorable and
                                  unfavorable attributes at the same
                    5 year olds   Can modify language when talking to a
                                  younger child and they have an
                                  increased awareness of the listener's
                                  role and understanding. Related to
                                  content, an average 5 year old can
                                  discuss state, feelings, emotions and
                                  attitudes. 5 year olds predominantly
                                  use the verbs "be" and "do". They use
                                  terms like before or after and can
                                  refer to above, below, and at the
                    5- 6 year olds   Can stay with a topic through about a
                                  dozen or more turns and their
                                  conversation begins to sound a lot like
                                  an adult. At this age, the child's ability
                                  to make indirect requests increases.
                                  This aged child can also use locational
                                  prepositions such as "in a week". He
                                  can also use directions in reference to
                                  the body such as to the left or right

                   In terms of self-representation, children in early to middle
                   childhood will focus on specific competencies. Children in
                   this age group present narratives that demonstrate an
                   increase in the  telling of their autobiographical stories.
                   Included in their narratives are such things as future plans
                   and a greater sense of self-continuity. A metacognitive self-
                   awareness appears to come on line but the child's stories
                   are  typically  about  positive  overestimations  of
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