Page 134 - Meeting with Children Book
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                   behavior and people being "nice" to others. Children want
                   to be liked and thought well of and they now understand
                   that being "good"  results in positive responding by
                   caregivers and others "People like me when I am good".
                   Conforming to  rules for  one's  social role is not yet fully
                   understood at this stage.

                   What can be expected from a normally
                   developing 5-7 year old?
                   Look for the following:
                      Good and bad statements about personal behavior and
                     parent behavior
                            "My mom does bad things"
                            "My dad does good things"
                            "I am good"
                            "My brother is bad"
                      All or nothing thinking
                            "I hate my mom"
                            "I love my dog"
                            "My dad is bad"
                            "My mom is always fun"
                             "My dad never does anything fun"
                      Behavior based on Punishment or Reward
                            "My mom said I have to ....or I will have  a
                            time out"
                            "My teacher said I  can't... or I will have to
                            sit out"
                            "If I hit my brother I can't play with my iPad"

                   Be aware in separation that children in the above stages of
                   Moral Development will make stark statements that do not
                   encompass abstract thinking or "grey" thinking where
                   "good and bad" can exist at the  same time.  Verbatim
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