Page 136 - Meeting with Children Book
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                   reconcile these forces (favoring the first mentioned
                   attribute in the crisis), he or she emerges from the stage
                   with, for example, more trust than mistrust. If this occurs,
                   he or she carries the virtue of the ability to  approach
                   relationships and life in a trusting manner  into the
                   remaining life stages.

                   Erikson's Stages:
                    Birth - 18 months:   Trust vs. Mistrust
                    18 months - 3    Autonomy vs. Shame
                    years:           and Doubt
                    3- 5 years:      Initiative vs. Guilt
                    6 through teens:    Industry vs. Inferiority
                    Teens - 20's:    Identity vs. Role
                    20's- 40's:      Intimacy vs. Isolation
                    40's - 60's:     Generativity vs.
                    60's - beyond    Ego Integrity vs. Despair
                   Children from 5- 7 years of age will span two
                   stages in this model: Initiative vs. Guilt and
                   Industry vs. Inferiority.

                   Initiative vs. Guilt
                   Around age three and continuing to age five, children assert
                   themselves more frequently. These are particularly lively,
                   rapid developing years in a child’s life.

                   During this period the primary feature involves the child
                   regularly interacting with other children at  preschool.
                   Central to this stage is play, as it provides children with the
                   opportunity to explore their  interpersonal skills through
                   initiating activities.
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