Page 139 - Meeting with Children Book
P. 139

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                   therefore must be viewed as  an overall contributor to
                   understanding each child (See temperament Scale P258).

                   What can be expected from a normally
                   developing 5-7 year old?
                   Look for the following:
                    5 to 7 yrs   Child makes positive statements about
                               being able to make decisions about basic
                               things  -  likes and  dislikes, positive
                               statements about leading various actions
                               or activities

                               Positive statements are made about child
                               having impact on  family members and

                               Positive  statements   about   self-

                               Statements about being valued by others -
                               caregivers, teachers, friends

                               Statements about valuing others

                               Statements that suggest the child is
                               encouraged by others

                               Statements are made related to pride to
                               do with accomplishments

                               Statements related to reinforcement  of
                               taking initiative and child indicates a desire
                               to "do more" "try more things" etc
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