Page 129 - Meeting with Children Book
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problem-solving (Problem-solving
5-6 yrs plus Can identify objects that do not
belong in a group; can identify
abstract characteristics (living as
opposed to non-living ); matches
letters; discriminates and names
letters (Discrimination/Classification
Skills). Discrimination skills increase
with age and these skills allow a child,
to for instance, put together a
complex puzzle or build elaborate
symmetrical or asymmetrical block
5 yrs plus Can count up to 10 objects;
understands "more", "less", "same";
can count objects, enumerating each
object once; identifies and names
numbers; can match the number of
items in a set to the correct number;
understands concept of zero (One-to-
one Correspondence). Understanding
of number concepts does not occur
until 4-5 years old, although younger
children can understand the
underlying principles of counting
5 yrs plus Counts objects in sequence with one-
to-one correspondences; Can put
three pictures in a sequence to tell a
story; knows sequence of reading
book, from left to right and top to
bottom; knows first, middle and last
(Sequencing Abilities)
5-6 yrs plus Can place objects in order from
shortest to tallest, and smallest to
largest; Can combine letters into
words (Sequencing Abilities)