Page 148 - Meeting with Children Book
P. 148

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                    8 to 12 yrs   Children 7-8 yrs and older can understand
                               nuances of meaning and more difficult
                               grammatical features such as the passive

                               Can put thoughts and feelings into words

                               Can tell an organized story (with a
                               beginning, middle and end)

                               Can understand word play, jokes, figures
                               of speech and metaphor

                               Play is now focused on physical skills and
                               intellectual competence

                               Play is focused on ritualized games with
                               rules and games requiring planning and

                               Fantasy play is where the child displaces
                               feelings and wishes into imaginary
                               scenarios. This is when the child imagines
                               the self in more adult roles and situations

                               Hobbies and collections of things
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