Page 153 - Meeting with Children Book
P. 153

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                   Level 3: POSTCONVENTIONAL MORALITY
                   The postconventional level is also known as the principled
                   level of moral development. At this level, there is a growing
                   awareness that an individual's perspective and  principles
                   may take precedence over societies views and rules. Laws
                   are not seen as rigid, rather they are like social contracts
                   that can be changed when it is necessary to meet the
                   greatest good for the greatest number of  people. In the
                   Postconventional level, individuals live by their own ethical
                   principles related to life, liberty and justice.

                   Stage 5: Social Contract and Individual Rights
                   At this stage, an individual sees others as holding different
                   opinions, rights and values and there is a view that
                   perspectives should be mutually respected as unique.
                   People at this stage of development still believe in rules, but
                   are more interested in majority decision-making. Rules that
                   don't serve the greatest good for the greatest number of
                   people need to be changed. Postconventional moralists live
                   by their own ethical principles including basic human rights
                   as life, liberty, and justice. Ideally rules can maintain the
                   general social order and protect human rights and when
                   they do not, the rules are questioned.  Theoretically,
                   democratic government follows stage 5  reasoning. Some
                   theorists theorize  that many people never reach the
                   postconventional level of abstract moral reasoning.

                   What can be expected from a normally
                   developing 8 - 12 year old?
                   Look for the following:
                    8 to 12 yrs   Behaviors related to doing things to
                               please others

                               Lying to protect someone else or to align
                               with someone
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