Page 162 - Meeting with Children Book
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                               this age. Boys are showing their first signs
                               of puberty.
                               Boys and girls may experience oily skin,
                               increased sweating and hair growth under
                               arms and on genital areas. The voice
                               begins to change, which is more
                               noticeable in boys than in girls. Students
                               this age are again developing more
                               coordination are beginning to be able to
                               help out with household chores, such as
                               dishes and laundry
                    12 yrs plus   Children continue to develop into late
                               adolescence. Bodies of 11-12 years olds
                               require at least one hour a day of a
                               combination of aerobic, muscle
                               strengthening and bone strengthening
                               activity in order to continue to thier
                               physical development
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