Page 159 - Meeting with Children Book
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                   inferiority. Not all failure leads to inferiority. A balance
                   between competence and modesty is important to this
                   stage of development. Success in this stage will lead to the
                   virtue of competence and industry.

                   A child's temperament (Thomas and Chess, 1977)
                   contributes to the child's behavioral style. it is the
                   characteristic way a child reacts to her environment. it is
                   the "how"  of behavior vs. the "what" or the "why".
                   Temperament     can    influence  social/emotional
                   development. Temperament is not age-related and
                   therefore must be viewed as an overall contributor to
                   understanding each child. (See temperament Scale).

                   What can be expected from a normally
                   developing 8-12 year old?
                   Look for the following:
                    8 to 12 yrs   Child makes positive statements about
                               being able to make decisions about basic
                               things - likes and dislikes, positive
                               statements about leading various actions
                               or activities

                               Positive statements are made about child
                               having impact on family members and

                               Child can hold two opposing views about
                               a friend, family member (10 yrs and up)

                               Child makes comments about social group
                               and status he/she has in the group... "I
                               hang out with the cool kids"

                               Positive statements about self-
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