Page 11 - Meeting with Children Manual
P. 11

Section 1

                   P a ge  | 9

                   and readiness to hear children, child issues and readiness to speak to others as well
                   as focusing on family dynamics and needs post separation are all part of the Meeting
                   with Children program.

                   Meeting with children does not equate with asking children to make decisions for their
                   parents.  In giving a voice to a child, are we ultimately asking that child to make the
                   grossly unfair decision of choosing between their parents? No we are not.  No child
                   should ever be asked to choose between their parents and that is not what the child
                   voice is about?

      © The International Centre for Children and Family Law Inc.  This material cannot be copied in whole or in part without the express written permission
      of the copyright owner.
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