Page 12 - Meeting with Children Manual
P. 12

Section 1                                                                   P a ge  | 10

                   By not speaking with children about their experiences of their parents’ separation, we
                   are not somehow protecting them from their parents’ fights.
                   Children are living their  parents’  wars, and by not meeting with them  we are
                   removing  an important opportunity for them to speak about their unique
                   experiences of their post separation families.
                   Children  have views already.  By  meeting with children,  we are not creating their
                   experiences, we are just hearing about them.

                      Children and youth can voice opinions about their experience of their parents’
                       disagreements, without expressing a wish about which parent they prefer, which
                       parent they agree with or which parent they would prefer to live with.
                      Children have important things to say about themselves post-separation that may
                       not have anything to do with their parents.
                      The views expressed by a child are private to that child and may or may not be
                       discussed with parents, according to practitioner judgment and the child’s wishes.
                      Across all jurisdictions our work with families is becoming more difficult. Family
                       complexity seems to be increasing. Getting our work right requires greater skills
                       and expertise than ever before.
                      Separation and post separation is a  high-risk time for  families.  Collaboration
                       across the traditional silos of the family law sector is necessary to ensure that
                       family and individual safety is not compromised.

                   THE CHILD VOICE

                   The  Convention on the Rights of the Child  (United Nations General  Assembly
                   resolution 44/25 (1989)).

                   Article 3:
                   In all  actions concerning children, whether undertaken by  public  or private social
                   welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the
                   best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration.
     © The International Centre for Children and Family Law Inc.  This material cannot be copied in whole or in part without the express written permission
     of the copyright owner
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