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CA THAL CRIMMINS AR CHITE C T                    2                                  CONSERVATION PLAN ON THE GOTHICK MEMORIAL CHURCH FOR THE KYLEMORE TRUST                                         www.

                   The information gathering stage included examination of the many previous   Abbey attracted the daughters of the Irish nobility, both as students and      1872  Mitchell Henry commences laying out of Victorian Walled Gardens.
                   reports on the site, including the previous conservation Plan for the Abbey, the   postulants, and enjoyed the patronage of many influential Irish families living in      1874  Death of Margaret Henry on holiday in Egypt.
                   materials report by Jason Bolton, 2004 structural report by Dermot Nolan   exile. At the request of King James II the nuns moved to Great Ship St, Dublin in      1875  Construction of Mausoleum.
                   Structural Engineer and historic building consultant and various other reports   1688. However, they returned to Ypres following James’s defeat at the Battle of the     1877  Construction of Gothic Church commences.
                   and documents. . Various sources were consulted in the Irish Architectural   Boyne in 1690. The Community left Ypres after the Abbey was destroyed in the      1881  Opening of the Gothic Church.
                   Archive and other repositories including National Library of Ireland, University   early days of the First World War. The community first took refuge in England.      1886  Henry retires from politics.
                   College Dublin, Architectural Library, and Archaeological Survey of Ireland.   From 1916 the nuns had been searching around Ireland for a suitable building in      1893  Construction of Electricity Generator.   1903   Kylemore Castle sold to
                   Historic information on the Abbey and Estate was obtained by consulting books,   which to establish a community and school. They first settled in Macmine Castle   Duke and Duchess of Manchester.
                   pamphlets, news clippings, web sites and other archival materials relating to the   in Co Wexford but it proved too small for the requirements of the Abbey and     1903 - 1904  The Manchesters carry out alterations to the Castle
                   Kylemore Estate. Copies of archival photographs, prints and drawings were   school. After searching for a more suitable site they bought Kylemore Castle and      1913  The Duke and Duchess’ mortgage foreclosed.
                   obtained, as were copies of various cartographic records. Previous conservation   the associated lands in 1920.                                         They were forced to sell Kylemore.
                   reports, architectural and archaeological inventories and databases were also                                                                     1914  The Castle is taken over by Earnest John Fawke.
                   consulted.                                                          3.0 Understanding The Site                                                          Destruction of Monastery of Irish Dames of Ypres.
                                                                                                                                                                     1916  Opening of Monastery in Macmine Castle, Wexford.
                   The Gothic Memorial Church were recorded photographically. Tim Foley,                                                                             1920  Irish Dames of Ypres purchase of Kylemore Abbey and lands.
                   Conservation Architect who worked on the Gothick Church was consulted.
                                                                                                                                                                     1923  Opening of Girls Boarding School.
                   Unfortunately all his records on the church were destroyed in a flood. While   3.1  Local Context.                                                1920s  Opening of a Guest House in the abbey
                   repair works have been carried out in the past there are no planning files listed
                   with Galway County Council in connection with the church.                                                                                         1930  The school was expanded with the addition of new classrooms and
                                                                                            Connemara in west Galway has long been regarded as one of the most beautiful,   dormitories and alterations to the existing classrooms.
                   At the 11th hour, a few days before this document was to be submitted the Colum   wild and unspoilt landscapes in Ireland. The constantly changing light and   The Estate was reduced to 1500 acres.
                   O’Riordan, CEO of Irish Architectural Archive emailed the Foley Buchan Kane   scenery has also attracted generations of artists, writers and musicians such as      1932  Statue of Sacred Heart erected on Duchruach Mountain.
                   drawings copies of which are contained in the appendices of this report  Oscar Wilde, J. M. Synge, Paul Henry, and Frederick William Burton amongst      1959  Large sections of Abbey destroyed by fire.
                                                                                            others. Hall’s Ireland by Mr & Mrs. Hall was published between 1841 and 1843 and   Closure of Guest House.
                   Stage 2:
                                                                                            described Connemara as sublime though savage. Savage because of the vagaries      1960  Restoration of the castle following the fire of the previous year.
                   The review stage identified threats to the significance of  Gothic Memorial Church    of the climate and because it has also traditionally been one of the poorer areas   The works included a new School extension.
                   gaps in the understanding of the place, policies to guide continuing issues and   of Ireland and was heavily affected by famine and emigration. It was through the   English Language Summer School for 5 years.
                   recommendations and implementation.                                      Mitchell Henry and the Kylemore Estate that the surrounding region began to      1975  Gift Shop and Pottery opened.
                                                                                            recover.                                                              late 1980s  dry rot and the failure of parts of the roof noted. Works were carried out
                   Limitations of Study                                                                                                                                    to address the dry rot and roof and the main hall and some of the
                                                                                            Today it contains spectacular scenery characterized by the Twelve Ben Mountains,
                   This is primarily an architectural  conservation assessment of the Gothic   sweeping valleys of blanket bog land and lakes. These have attracted tourists and   reception rooms were restored
                   Memorial Church . It does not include an assessment of habitats, flora and fauna                                                                  1991  The Benedictine Community commenced food production, including
                   on the estate.                                                           fishermen for generations and Hall refers to the presence of anglers in his    jams.
                                                                                            account. The blanket bog and woods of the Kylemore Estate and the Connemara
                   A full drawn survey is not included but copies of recently acquired drawings as   National Park to the south are a haven for wild flora and fauna as well as visitors.     1993  Abbey partially opened to the public. The shop and tearooms were
                                                                                                                                                                           enlarged to cater for increasing numbers of visitors.
                   noted above are included.
                                                                                                                                                                           Launch of Tree Sponsorship programme by the Benedictine community.
                                                                                       3.2  Outline Chronology                                                             10,000 trees planted on the Kylemore estate.
                                                                                                                                                                     1995  Re-opening of Gothic Church by President Mary Robinson.
                                                                                                                                                                           Heritage and Environment Award received.
               2.0 The Irish Benedictine Nuns                                               c 480  St. Benedict Born.                                                1996  Irish Architecture Regional Award (RIAl) received for neo-Gothic
                                                                                            c 529  The monastery at Monte Cassino in Italy was established by St Benedict.
                                                                                                                                                                           Memorial Church.
                   To have an understanding of the site at Kylemore in the context of this Plan it is      7th c.  Rule of St Benedict observed in Ireland.          2000  Reopening of Victorian Walled Gardens and new garden teahouse.
                   necessary to also have an understanding of the Benedictine ethos, the Rule of St      9th c.  Many of the original Benedictine monasteries were destroyed.
                                                                                                                                                                     2001  Kylemore Abbey Victorian Walled Garden receives Europa Nostra Award.
                   Benedict, the deep involvement of the Nuns and the Abbey with the environment,      12th c.  Further Benedictine Houses founded in Ireland, including Fore Abbey.       2003  Galway County Heritage Award.
                   the role and way of life of the nuns, the rhythm of their day.            1537  The beginning of the Suppression of the Monasteries in Ireland.     2004  Galway County Council Heritage Awards
                                                                                             1598  Lady Mary Percy founded a monastery in Brussels.
                                                                                                                                                                           Distinction - Kylemore Abbey Victorian Walled Garden.
                                                                                             1665  Benedictine Community founded in Ypres, Belgium.                  2009  The community commences production of Kylemore soaps and creams.
                                                                                             1682  The Ypres monastery is given over to the Irish.                   2010  The closure of the school.
               2.1  History of The Community                                                 1689  The order invited to set up Abbey in Dublin by King James II.      2019  Works to St Josephs
                                                                                                   They Settle in Ship Street.
                                                                                             1690  The Community returned to Ypres following Battle of the Boyne.     2019  The restoration of the fabric of , and the re-opening of the Abbey
                   Following the suppression of religious houses in the British Isles, Lady Mary Percy      1849  Mitchell Henry and his wife visit Connemara.       2020  New Monastery commenced on site
                   founded a monastery in Brussels in 1598. A number of other Benedictine houses      1855  Mr Eastwood acquired Addergoole and demolished the old village.        4 December, the Benedictine nuns of Kylemore Abbey will mark 100 years
                   were founded from the one at Brussels. These included Cambray in France (now                                                                            of our living tradition of faith in Connemara
                                                                                                   He builds Addergoole House, a gate lodge, and barn and diverts the river.
                   Stanbrook in England) and at Ghent (now Oulton Abbey) in Staffordshire. The      1862  Mitchell Henry leases Kylemore Lodge.
                   Benedictine nuns of Ghent in turn founded several Benedictine Houses, including      1866  Mitchell Henry buys Kylemore Lodge and the adjoining lands.  3.3  Cartographic Record
                   the monastery at Ypres. The community of nuns was founded in Ypres, Belgium,
                   in 1665. The house was formally made over to the Irish nation in 1682.  The     1867 - 1871  Construction of Kylemore Castle.                    The 1841 first edition Ordnance Survey map of Galway shows few buildings in the

                                                                                             1868  Henry purchases of Addergoole House and Farm.
                   purpose of the Abbey at Ypres was to provide an education and religious      1872  Mitchell Henry elected Home Rule MP for Galway.               environs of Pollacappul and Kylemore Loughs. Of note is the road, which ran
                   community for Irish women during times of persecution here in Ireland. Ypres
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