Page 7 - 0FINAL Neo Gothic Church 1754 Report compressed
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CA THAL CRIMMINS AR CHITE C T                    4                                  CONSERVATION PLAN ON THE GOTHICK MEMORIAL CHURCH FOR THE KYLEMORE TRUST                                         www.

        4.1.4 Building Condition                                                     understanding of the past or enrich the present, and which will be of value to   Historic maps, the Archaeological Survey of Ireland’s Sites and Monument’s Record
                                                                                     future generations’.                                                 (SMR) and were all consulted to determine if there were any
             The Neo-gothic Church                                                                                                                        archaeological features or monuments within the curtilage of the Kylemore Estate. As
                                                                                     There are a variety of categories used to evaluate the level of cultural
             Despite the restoration works, re-roofing and re-pointing  carries out in the late 1990s   significance: architectural, aesthetic, historic, archaeological, landscape, social,   mentioned previously the Abbey, Gothic Church and Mausoleum are all included in
             the building suffers from  continuing problems mostly due to the extreme weather                                                             SMR. The first edition OS map shows that all three were vacant sites prior to the mid
             conditions and the type and quality of the stonework and joints. The Preliminary   spiritual and natural. These will be used in the assessment of significance of the   19th century so in themselves, they are not of archaeological significance. It is
                                                                                     Kylemore Estate as the cultural significance of Kylemore is multi-layered and
             Assessment of Stone deterioration by Dr Jason Bolton carried out in May 2018 gives a   relates to aspects of its history, architecture, the religious community and the   probable that they were assigned National Monument status at a time when there
             detailed account of the stone decay,  specially in relation to the internal Caen                                                             were few other protective instruments for the built heritage.
             Limestone.  Comparison between Dr Bolton’s photos from May 2018 and the photos   relationship with its surrounding landscape.
             taken in November 2020. The crypt and basement area appears to have fewer   4.2.1  Architectural Significance The Neo-Gothic Church
             problems. It is brick vaulted and brick lined. The area is unheated and well ventilated                                                      4.2.6  Grading Of Significance
                                                                                     The church is a Gothic church in English Decorated style and was designed by J. F.
             Roof, Vaults and ceilings:                                              Fuller, c1877. It is noted for the high quality of craftsmanship displayed on the interior
                                                                                     and exterior stonework and its ornate window s tracery. The Church has been
             The copper clad roof was carried out in the late 1990s and appears in reasonable                                                              Primary Significance
             condition. As noted in Jason Bolton’s report On the vaulted roof, the general   described by Roger Stalley professor of the history of art in Trinity College Dublin as a
                                                                                     cathedral in miniature where the quality of the interior carving is quite breathtaking.
             pattern is for dry stone (cream) at the highest points, brown-coloured (damp/  The church is regarded by the NIAH as one of the most accomplished works of the      Because if their immense architectural, historic, social and artistic interest, the
             salt-laden) stone below this, and white-coloured salt efflorescence appearing on                                                                 Gothic Church is of primary significance in terms of the overall heritage of the
             the stone below this and at mouldings. IMG_1168.jpeg                    Gothic Revival in Ireland. Like the Abbey, its location on the lakeshore is highly   estate.   The church is the most ornate as well as being one of the most
        .    It is unlikely that the copper roof is allowing moisture into the building and that   Mausoleum                                                  architecturally significant buildings on the Kylemore estate. Stalley noted that it
                                                                                                                                                              was of national importance and is in an area that has few architectural
             the main source of water is through stonework at high level causing much salt
             efflorescence at the vaults and walls at high level. The crypt has a brick vaulted      The mausoleum is in comparison to the church a very plain building set in woodland.   monuments. The NIAH (Inventory number 30402310) rated the Church as being of
             ceiling in good condition.                                              It is well proportioned and has simple decorative details such as the gable finials,   National importance for it’s architectural, artistic and social interest. It is listed a
                                                                                                                                                              protected structure in the Galway County Development Plan 2009-2015 (REG NO
                                                                                     recesses, memorial plaques and ironwork.
             Walls:                                                                                                                                           550). In addition, it is also included in the Archaeological Survey of Ireland’s Sites
                                                                                 4.2.2  Historic Significance                                                 and Monument’s Record for Galway (SMR Number: GA023-027).
             Externally the limestone and rubble work is in fair condition
                                                                                     The Church is of historical significance through its association with the Henry family.
             The intense salt efflorescence has caused flaking, blistering and loss of Caen   As the last resting place of Mitchell and Margaret Henry, the mausoleum is also of
             limestone. Damp penetration from defective gutters, wall pointing show brown                                                                 Secondary Significance
             dark staining and white efflorescence.  There is cracking of the Caen stone due to   historical interest.                                        The NIAH (Inventory number 30402311) rated the mausoleum as being of Regional
             stress.  There is loss of stonework in the belfry area due to salts from the porous   4.2.3  Social and Spiritual Significance                   importance for it’s architectural and historical importance. It is listed a protected
                                                                                     The church is also of spiritual significance.                            structure in the Galway County Development Plan 2009-2015 (REG NO 551). It is
             The repointing of the walls with lime mortar in the 1990s restoration seems to                                                                   also included in the Archaeological Survey of Ireland’s Sites and Monument’s
             have prevented lime leeching. . Where lime leeching occurs may be a result of the                                                                Record for Galway (SMR Number: GA023-012).
             earlier cement repointing. This can be seen in the belfry.          4.2.4  Archaeological significance.

             The green staining biofilm staining is natural in the exposed site where there is      Archaeological features. The Abbey, Gothic Church and Mausoleum are all included in
             constant wetness. The water absorption tests and close examination of the
             exterior in 2018 did not show any serious defects in the external fabric of the   SMR but are all 19th century. The first edition ordnance survey map shows that they   4.3  Defining Issues  and Vulnerability
                                                                                     were vacant sites in 1841 with no suggestion of earlier features other than geological
             buildingh  Brick lined walls to crypt.
             Windows and doors                                                                                                                                In order to develop policies for Kylemore it is necessary to identify issues that
                                                                                                                                                              threaten the significance of the Gothick Church, its structures, setting and the
             Windows and door appear to be in reasonable condition apart from the stone   4.2.5  Landscape Significance                                       religious ethos, or have potential to do so in the future. Fortunately the structures
             surrounds as noted above.                                                                                                                        and landscape have been in the care of the Benedictine order’s watchful eye for
                                                                                                                                                              almost a century and have been the subject of considerable work to enhance and
             Floors:                                                                 The highly scenic landscape around Kylemore is defined by mountains, lakes,
                                                                                     western blanket bog and heath, cultivated lands, woods and formal landscaped   protect them.
             Timber boarded floor and steps are in good condition. There are metal (cast iron)
             grills covering the heating system.                                     gardens. The cultivated gardens contain plants that were introduced in to Ireland      While State and Local Authority protection exists for Kylemore in the Record of
                                                                                     before 1901. The woods contain both native and introduced tree species such as   Protected Structures, the record of Monuments and Places and in the protected
             Drainage:                                                               Irish Yew, Alder, Hazel, Rowan, Holly, Sycamore, Silver Birch, Witch Elm, Ash, Horse   views there are threats to its future.
                                                                                     Chestnut, Beech, Common Larch, Scot’s Pine, Monterey Pine, Lawson’s Cypress,
             There are many defects in the overground drainage including rusting rainwater   Sitka Spruce, Sessile Oak and Western Red Cedar. These are interspersed with a   4.3.2  Threats to Fabric
             hoppers and rainwater pipes.
                                                                                     series of walks stretching from Baskilla, around the lakes to the oak plantation      One of the major threats is the deterioration of the stone.
                                                                                     situated behind the walled gardens at Currywongaun. Another paths leads from      Despite recent roofing work to the Gothic Chapel there are ongoing stone
        4.2  Assessment of Significance                                              the oak plantation round to Tullywee Bridge and back towards the Grotto at   problems that are deteriorating.   The overground drainage, cast iron fittings
                                                                                     Lough Maladrolaun. There is also a trail up to the Sacred Heart statue on   show rust and are leaking.
                                                                                     Doughruagh Mountain and a longer route that goes up to Lough Touther. Thee
             The 1999 ICOMOS Guidelines to the Burra Charter: Cultural Significance states   paths provide opportunities to enjoy the verdant landscape of Kylemore as well       Fabric Issues Relating To Previous Works and Works Proposed Under This Plan.
                                                                                     as providing excellent views of the panoramic scenery. Other features in the   Health and safety and fire prevention systems are to be further examined and
             ‘Cultural Significance is a concept which helps in estimating the value of places.   landscape are described below.                              improved. Plumbing, mechanical and electrical and modern security systems
             The places that are likely to be of significance are those which help an                                                                         were attended to in the 2019 are also to be further investigated upgraded if
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