Page 6 - 0FINAL Neo Gothic Church 1754 Report compressed
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It was estimated that the works would cost £500,000. A business plan was drawn up. Way. sedilia at the west end of chancel. The freestanding timber reliquary case is located in
The community had already being contributing to their own fund for the restoration the transept. The vestry is located on the ground floor of the bell tower.
but further funds were needed so an appeal was established to attract financial The Church is a detached Gothic Revival Church over a crypt on the grounds of
the Kylemore Demesne in Connemara, County Galway. The nave is four bays with
support. In 1991 the nuns availed grants of the European Regional Development Fund, gabled bays to the side elevations. The chancel to east and transept to south are
the National Heritage Council, as well as assistance from other benefactors. Timothy 4.1.2 Mausoleum
Foley of Buchan, Kane Foley architects was engaged as Architect. Restoration began in both three-bay. There is a gabled porch at the west-end of the south elevation.
The four-stage crenellated bell tower is situated at the south-east corner
1991. The mausoleum is a freestanding gable-fronted building constructed to house the
Roof: The ridged roof is pitched and copper-clad with cut limestone eaves remains of Margaret Henry after her death in 1874. The building has a rendered
The restoration works included re-pointing, drainage, detailed cleaning of all the courses, tooled limestone copings to the gables and sculpted cross finials barrel-vault roof, with a cast-iron cross finial on a tooled limestone base. There are
carved stone work, replacing joists, and the provision of canals to deflect the water
that cascades down the mountains. Internal conservation involved removal and concealing the rain water goods. dressed gable and eve copings supported on limestone brackets to the gable front.
The walls are of yellow brick in English bond on a limestone plinth. The side
storage of all engaged marble columns, cleaning the walls and ceiling, partial Rain water Goods: cast-iron down pipes with embossed hopper heads, tooled elevations have limestone-capped buttresses.
replacement of floors and roofs where timbers had decayed, installation of a new limestone dripstones between the gables with sculpted angel figures to
heating system, electrical and water supplies, internal and external lighting, drainage undersides. There are blocked round-headed recessed doorways to the gables with brick
and conservation and repair of ironwork, rainwater goods and joinery. The trap door in Walls: The tower has a crenellated limestone parapet with octagonal-plan ashlar surrounds and voussoirs, a yellow brick fill to rear recess and a lined and ruled render
front of the altar was closed over in the restoration. Completed in 1995 and formally to front. The latter also has a tooled marble memorial plaque.
opened by the then President of Ireland, Mary Robinson on the 28th April 1995, the limestone pinnacles with crocheted finials at the corners. The walls are of There are square-headed bays and square-headed ventilation openings within
dressed rubble limestone walls with tooled limestone quoins, and a rubble
restoration won the RIAI Architectural Regional Award for Connacht in 1996. On limestone plinth with chamfered limestone capping to south and east and west recesses to the side elevations.. Decorative cast-iron railings surround the mausoleum.
restoring the church the community intended to use the church for musical recitals,
choral evenings and other cultural events as well as a chapel. elevations. The limestone rubble stepped clasping buttresses have ashlar
limestone quoins, chamfered coping stones, chamfered bases and tooled
3.7 Mausoleum limestone capping stones with various decorative elements at all sections of
structure. There is a tooled limestone string course on the south elevations of 4.1.3 Entrance Gates and Access Routes
Margaret Henry contracted fever while visiting Cairo in 1874 and died. Mitchell Henry nave, transept and tower and further string courses at the different stages of the
had her remains brought back to Connemara and a mausoleum was constructed in tower. There are Round-headed recesses below angel dripstones on the side The main entrance gates to the south have rusticated limestone gate piers and
the grounds which houses Margaret Henry’s remains. It is close to the church, which elevations of nave, which house the down pipes. wrought-iron double-leaf gates.
Mitchell had built in her memory. Henry died in 1910 and his ashes were brought to Openings: There are ashlar limestone dressings and chamfered sills to all the A second entrance at Baskilla Bridge has cast iron piers with wrought and cast
Kylemore and placed with his wife’s remains.
window surrounds. The windows are lead-lined stained-glass and latticework iron railings on either side. The gates are wrought iron also. A more resent steel
windows. The arched window openings to nave, transept and chancel have fence and entrance gates have been erected behind them.
4.0 Buildings and Fabric reeded hood-mouldings with foliate stops. The curvilinear tracery is composed of There is a third entrance gates at Tullywee Bridge, which also has cast iron piers
lancets and small roses. There are triple-light openings to nave. The west window with wrought iron gates. They appear broader than the gates at Baskilla. On either
of nave has a hexafoil rose window over two triple lights with cinquefoil lights side there is wire fencing with timber supporting piers
above. The east window has a rose window with trefoil lights around cinquefoil
4.1 Physical Evidence centre above three double lights, with cinquefoil lights and quatrefoil light above. There are a few other access routes in to the estate. There is a new road leading
The three lancet windows to chancel and transept sides have reticulated trefoil from the main road to McMurray’s Cottage but this is not available. . McMurray’s
tracery with limestone relieving arches. The trefoil-headed window openings to Cottage was originally the gate lodge for Addergoole House and this was the main
4.1.1 The Neo-Gothic Church the bottom stage of the tower have oculus window openings over lancets with approach. It is directly opposite the east entrance to Addergoole Farm.
cinquefoil tracery. There are square-headed arrow loop openings to second stage Historically there was also a small road leading east from Currywongaun to the
of tower. There are oculus window openings with tracery on the third stage of
Kylemore Abbey, Gothick Memorial Church and Demesne, County Galway is justifiably tower. The louvered paired lancet openings to fourth stage of tower have hood- western edge of the estate. From this point were paths leading to the rear of the
internationally famous and has attracted tourists for generations. The Abbey and walled gardens and Tullywee. The paths appear to have been part of the many
Gothick Memorial Church are both architectural gems and the setting is one of the moldings and trefoil-headed tracery. There is as group of three square-headed woodland walks on the estate. The road to the edge of the estate still exists. The
ventilation openings at crypt level with oculus openings with bead-molded
most stunning in Ireland. Many of the other estate buildings and features are also of lintels, cast-iron grates and sloping sills above. paths are obscured but are also still present.
high quality and are an integral part of the demesne.
The arches entrance to the porch has ashlar limestone dressings, a stepped
However Gothick Memorial Church faces a number of issues and threats which include
threats to the historic fabric of the buildings, and the pedestrian traffic pressures approach, voussoirs, hood-molding and marble colonettes, with limestone
decoration and holy water fonts to porch interior. The square-headed and
associated with a major tourism site. The plan will formulate a series of priorities and shouldered door opening in the porch has an ashlar limestone surround with
recommendations to deal with energy, services, disabled access and fire safety issues
that need to be addressed. torus-moulded corners and reveals, and replacement battened timber doors with
wrought-iron strap hinges and furniture. It is approached by a limestone step.
Key amongst these is improving visitor experience and facilities, protecting and The square-headed shouldered door opening on east elevation of bell tower has
improving the landscape and buildings, providing space for education programmes, stone dressings and torus-moulded corners with a replacement battened timber
the various commercial enterprises and facilitating the spiritual role of the
Benedictine community within the estate. door with wrought-iron strap hinges and door furniture. It is approached by a
flight of limestone step. The opening to the crypt consists of a camber-headed
The Trustees’ aims are to conserve the church for use of visitors to Kylemore, to doorway with sidelights set into ashlar surround with a roughly dressed relieving
encourage through participation, learning and celebration, the life and legacy of the arch above. It contains a cast-iron door and barred windows with decorative
Benedictine Community for whom Kylemore has been home for the past 90 years. wrought-iron bars. It is approached via a set of stone steps.
The overall aim on completion of this plan is to deliver a thorough evaluation of the Interior: The interior is also ornately decorated. The ceiling is a limestone rib-vaulted
Gothic Memorial Church. ceiling with foliate bosses. There are blind lancet arches to the walls with engaged
red, black and green marble supporting columns with decorative limestone capitals
The Conservation Plan for the Gothic Memorial Church is also part of the phased to the reveals. There are timber pews and altar in the. There is an ashlar sandstone
master plan that seeks to position Kylemore as a major key hub along the Wild Atlantic