Page 42 - 0FINAL Neo Gothic Church 1754 Report compressed
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CA THAL CRIMMINS AR CHITECT                     42                                        Conservation Appraisal of Walled Garden and Historic landscape of Kylemore Abbey                          www.

                                                                                                               Further research into the planting is required. A      * Designed Demesne Grassland
                                                                                                               complete survey (starting with a list) of all plants
                                                                                                               currently in the gardens should be compiled and      *The Improved Farming Landscape (Addergoole Farm & service/farming routes)
                                                                                                               maintained. This may exist already. This then needs to      * Engineered Landscapes and their routeways (water provision, hydroelectric
                                                                                                               be cross-referenced with the original sources to   power).
                                                                                                                                                                  * The flat parterre garden that lay between the two lakes
                                                                                                               1. Authentic historic plants dating from 1860-1920 (this      *The Pinetum
                                                                                                               would include many of the older trees)
                                                                                                                                                              These have been indicated on Diagram 1.
                                                                                                               2. Introduced plants authentic to the Kylemore gardens
                                                                                                               in 1872 (Irish Farmer’s Journal), 1902 (The Sale   The designed approach routes and vistas should be identified, conserved and where
                                                                                                               Catalogue), 1905 (The Gardeners’ Chronicle), & the   feasible restored.
                                                                                                               various Lawrence photographs of Kylemore (c.1865-  It is recommended that the design of walking routes/’tracks and trails’ in and through
                                                                                                                                                              Kylemore should be conducted in tandem with a staged or partial restoration of the
                                                                                                               2. Introduced plant material that is authentically of the   Pleasure Grounds & Pinetum. The walks on the hillside were dual-purpose- that which
                                                                                                               period 1860-1920 but not proven to have existed at   led to the reservoir was both for pleasure and for maintenance. Rhododendrons are
                                                                                                               Kylemore.                                      currently blocking the walk to the reservoir and we could not visit it.
                                                                                                               3. Plant material post-dating 1920 and authentic to the   Addergoole Farm is a highly significant part of Mitchell Henry’s wider designed
                                                                                                               convent’s period at Kylemore 1920-2000.        landscape of Kylemore. It has many designed landscape features- mill pond, walks,
                                                                                                                                                              paddock etc. The improved farming strategy so central to his vision of an improved
                                                                                                               An assessment of the planting can then be done in
                                                                                                               collaboration with Ms. Anja Gohlke. The following   Conemara should form part of the Kylemore experience if possible.
                                                                                                               recommendations are thought probable:
                                                                                                               1. The planting which is both authentic and successful   A Convent Garden?
                                                                                                               should continue.
                                                                                                                                                              To reflect the significance of the convent’s time at Kylemore it is recommended that a
                                                                                                               2. The planting which is authentic but not successful   Convent Garden, drawn from the garden history of the Benedictines at Kylemore and
                                                                                                               needs to be re-evaluated for degree of authenticity,   Ypres, be created either in:
                                                                                                               management difficulty and associated labour costs. It
                                                                                                               may be possible to replace the relevant plants with   a. Part of the kitchen garden where the authenticity is low, possibly where ‘Sr. Benedict
                                                                                                                                                              ‘kept up a  small vegetable plot’ in 1996.  Any surviving planting lists from the 1930-1995
                                                                                                               others of equal authenticity while improving the   period should be sourced and oral histories collected.
                                                                                                               management issues and associated labour costs.
            Map of Puzzle Areas.jpg                                                                                                                           b. in the Outer Garden Area. Reference might be made in the garden’s design to the
                                                                                                               3. Planting which is neither authentic nor successful
                                                                                     needs to be re-evaluated and re-designed where possible.                 transferred gardening knowledge from Ypres, Belgium, to other Benedictine gardens or
            for it to be cultivated. However, the ponds do look man-made and may have housed                                                                  to other convent gardens in Ireland. The extent and sophistication of convent gardens
            lilies/water plants. Further investigation is required to determine their function and                                                            in Ireland is almost wholly unknown and unappreciated. Links with other monasteries
            design. The large tree that is growing out of the centre of the pond walls is not thought   The Bothy & Interpretation/Information Strategy       and communities in the trust’s vision should be encouraged.
            to be original to the design.
                                                                                     The exhibit in the Bothy is of substantial interest to garden visitors and to all visitors
            3. The Outer Walled Garden/Experimental Farm Area?
                                                                                     interested in conservation/restoration. It should be updated to reflect current works/  Funding
            This southern section of the outer garden was once walled and appears to have had a   projects. Further interpretative drawings would be helpful, particularly a cross-section
            substantial drainage channel around its southwestern edge. Further investigation/  through the glasshouses to show the underground chambers. Further information on   Funding for reinstating native woodland might potentially help fund the clearing of
                                                                                                                                                              rhododendrons in those walks where native woodland planting would be appropriate.
            research is required.                                                    the challenges of gardening at Kylemore would also be informative.
                                                                                                                                                              History of Science initiatives in education (Engineers Ireland etc.) might fund exhibits
            4. The Manure Heap Area
                                                                                                                                                              on Kylemore’s novel hydroelectric scheme and/or the sustainable design of water
            This is considered to lie much too adjacent to the central carriage way to have been   The Wider Landscape: The Pleasure Grounds, Designed Routes &   resources on the Kylemore estate.
            used as a manure heap/dung heap without substantial enclosure. Further
            investigation/research is required.                                      Vistas                                                                   Watching restoration in progress along with a clear plan of the proposed works is
                                                                                                                                                              popular in the media.The usual desire to spend money on once-off flagship capital
                                                                                     An Historic Landscape Analysis of the entire Kylemore Abbey demesne is outstanding.   investmentseoften driven by grant funding deadlines was often misplaced and that
            The Planting Schemes                                                     While aspects of such an analysis have been completed for discrete portions of the   slower ongoing development would be more appropriate. Community employment
                                                                                     demesne (the walled garden, Kylemore Abbey, Addergoole farm) the overarching design   schemes could become a long-term social enterprise. There is a monastic tradition of
            The head gardener Ms. Anja Gohlke gave us a comprehensive tour of the garden on 23   of the entire estate, which was fundamental principle of Victorian demesne/estate   keeping people employed in the operation of the garden and other small industrial
            October. We discussed issues to do the with the current planting schemes. The   design, is not yet complete. The following designed landscape features have not been   activities which should be continued.
            schemes were designed by Belinda Jupp drawing from the nineteenth-century   comprehensively identified and may have reduced in historic significance as a
            descriptions of the gardens in the gardening periodicals, from nineteenth-century   consequence:                                                  Universal Access
            gardening books and from other walled garden restorations, notably that of the      *The Designed landscape of ‘The Pleasure Grounds’             Universal access is important but due to the current slopes in relation to the garden
            Heligan gardens in Cornwall. Anja has been propagating plants from the 2000                                                                       full compliance with today’s standards is not achievable. Every effort to comply with
            authentic planting schemes. Some plants do well at Kylemore and some do not and      *Designed Approach Routes                                    best practice within the constraints will be explored.
            the planting has been somewhat modified to reflect the local climactic conditions over      *Designed Leisure Routes, subdivided into walking routes, carriage drives.
                                                                                         *Designed Prospects/Vistas.
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