Page 5 - 0FINAL Neo Gothic Church 1754 Report compressed
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www.                                     Conservation Appraisal of Walled Garden and Historic landscape of Kylemore Abbey                        5         CA THAL CRIMMINS AR CHITECT

              One of the salient features which adds to the renown of Kylemore and forms one of the far-famed beauties of the district
                                  is the perfect arrangement of the
                           Extensive and Richly –Adorned

                    PLEASURE GROUNDS
              Spreading themselves for about two miles along the margins of Loughs Kylemore, Pollacappul and Maladrolaun and in
                            part bounded by the Dawros -River, abundantly planted with a

                       Rare, Variety of different hued Foliage
               So liberally distributed and arranged with such careful consideration, combined with a lavish expenditure and maturity,
                             as to ensure at all times during the hottest of summer days,
                     M ANY COOL AND SHADY W ALKS
               Which wind through thick plantations extending to a considerable height around and above the level of the Castle,
                     while ample shelter from inclement winds is also afforded by the judicious arrangement of the
                            Unique Collection of Trees and Shrubs
                                            .  ,
               Which includes some handsome examples of all kinds of.Coniferae, variegated and other Yews, Araucaria, Ilex Oaks,
                Hollies&c. An immense assortment of Rhododendrons, Escallonias, Aucubas, Portugal and other Laurels, Euonymus,
               Arbutus, Laurustinus, Box, &c., fully furnishing the grounds during the winter months, and interspersed among these are
               many of more delicate verdure, comprising Beech, Birch, Chestnut, Sycamore, Oak, Elm, Mountain, Weeping and other
                Ash, Alder, Lime, Poplar, Willow, Hawthorn, Laburnum, Eucalyptus, &c., in addition to a number of Fuchsias,
               Dracaenas, Catoneasters, Lilacs, Azaleas, Camellias, Hydrangeas, Grisellinias, Weigelias, Syringas, Ribes, Berberis, &c.

                          Also some exceptionally fine clumps of New Zealand Flax and Pampas.

                                 Intersecting these luxuriant Gardens are
                            Several Mountain Streams
              passing over series of rugged falls in their steep descent from the rocky mountain rising abruptly and forming a majestic
                            background to the overhanging wood clothing the lower portion.
               A more happy combination of Rocks, Wood and Water it would be difficult to imagine, and many a varied ramble
             may be enjoyed in these  sylvan solitudes, which present a scene of -remarkable –grandeur when by heavy rains the

               volume of Water in the rills is increased and rushes over their declivitous beds,  assuming the character without the
                                 magnitude of mighty mountain torrents
                      On all sides it is manifest that the landscape gardener did not lose sight of the
                           MANY NATURAL CHARMS
                And the appropriate contour of the land materially assisted in bringing about such a charming tout ensemble.
                               At the higher level and to the fear of the Castle is a
                           Cement-laid Tennis Court
                   Surrounded by rhododendrons and having on a raised terrace at one end a Timber-built Pavilion.
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