Page 6 - 0FINAL Neo Gothic Church 1754 Report compressed
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CA THAL CRIMMINS AR CHITECT                      6                                        Conservation Appraisal of Walled Garden and Historic landscape of Kylemore Abbey                          www.

                                                                                     Entrance Route.jpg

                                                                                                                                                              Farming Route.jpg
                                                                                                                                                             The Significance of Kylemore’s Wider Landscape:

                                                                                                                                                             The Pleasure Grounds, Designed Routes & Vistas
            Water Diagram.jpg

                                                                                                                                                             The Gothic revival castle positioned on a raised castellated terrace and its connected
            The Significance of Kylemore’s Wider Landscape:                                                                                                  miniature memorial church were set off by a wider landscape of extensive pleasure
            The Design and Control of Water                                                                                                                  grounds and walks that stretched along the south-facing mountain slopes. The walks
                                                                                                                                                             were woven through a stepped coniferous planting scheme that rose to meet the gorse
                                                                                                                                                             of the mountainside.
            The significance of the Kylemore landscape is connected its novel technological use of
            hydroelectric power while the careful control of water and water pressure was and is                                                             The pleasure grounds’ lower regions featured a leisure landscape for fishing and
            significant for the success of the walled garden. Aerial photographs indicate that                                                               shooting that encompassed the various lakes.  These areas were interspersed with
            Kylemore’s reservoir lake, located immediately north of the walled garden, was
            dammed and discharged into a man-made channel which at some point was fed into a                                                                 large field areas of carefully tended demesne grassland. Generally such demesne
                                                                                                                                                             grassland was stippled in the second-edition maps of the Ordnance Survey denoting
            cast-iron pipe or pipes. One or some of these provided water to the main house,                                                                  aesthetically-considered un-tenanted land. It was usually managed as grassland and
            stables and to other points on the estate.
                                                                                                                                                             although it might sometimes have been sown with oats or other crops it would never
                                                                                                                                                             have been planted with cabbages or potatoes- it was not intended to be working
                                                                                                                                                             farmland and it had a high quotient of landscape design. Views across or through such
            The walled garden was situated so that the stream fed by the reservoir lake could be
            tapped to water it. The natural stream bed was moved so as to approximately bisect                                                               grassland pieces, which lay along the various approach routes and leisure walks/
                                                                                                                                                             carriage drives, were very important and the grassland pieces were planted to enhance
            the garden into the ornamental gardens to the east and the kitchen garden to the                                                                 such views.
            west.  A steady supply of water was provided by cast iron pipe to the pumping house in
            the walled garden. This ensured that the water was provided at a higher pressure than
            if the stream had been diverted into pipes at lower levels or from within the garden.                                                            The significance of each route was indicated by its planting. Formal approach routes
            The reservoir at the top of the hill ensured a constant supply of water, even in drought
            conditions (unlikely in Co. Galway but still possible). The value of the plants would                                                            featured rhododendrons, pampas grasses and other specimen plants to provide
                                                                                                                                                             interest for those travelling by carriage or riding or walking along such routes. The
            have required such a system. All of the greenhouses were designed for specific                                                                   carriage routes through the pleasure grounds to the walled garden featured a variety
            humidity and watering requirements.
                                                                                                                                                             of specimen conifers and many of these still frame views across the lakes. The more
            Once within the walled garden the stream was channelled into two manmade                                                                         utilitarian/farming routes were bounded with split board fences.
            approximate semicircles and featured rustic timber bridges and a careful planting
            scheme, most clearly indicated in the Thomas Wynne’ s photo (NLI WYN104).
                                                                                     NLI WYN 104
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