Page 150 - Micronesia
P. 150

he people of Chuuk lead a simpler life  its wreck diving, a visit to Chuuk does       there are more than 60 ships of the Japa-
                                             not have to be all about diving or diving     nese wartime fleet encrusted with corals
T and have much in common with the                                                         lying at various depths. On them are fighter
way their ancestors lived before the arrival wrecks. Divers and non-diving companions      planes still in transport, trucks still lashed
                                                                                           to the decks of freighters and officer’s china
of the Europeans and Japanese. Fishing and alike will enjoy a day or overnight trip to     and utensils with brand names still rec-
                                                                                           ognizable. The lagoon has been declared
subsistence agriculture sustain the major- the many tiny ‘desert’ islands located in and   a monument, and salvage and souvenir
                                                                                           taking of relics is prohibited by law. Divers
ity of Chuukese who live on the outlying     around the lagoon. Hidden in the jungle       must obtain a permit before diving around
                                                                                           the ships. Chuuk’s water temperatures are
islands. The ancient art of boat building    of the major high islands are many Japa-      29 degrees C and incredibly calm between
                                                                                           December and May. Average temperature
and navigation is still practiced and passed nese fortifications and artifacts. There are  above water is 30 degrees C. The main is-
                                                                                           land of Weno (formerly Moen) is the capital
down to the next generation, as are tradi- many rare species of flora and fauna, scenic    and commercial center and has a popula-
                                                                                           tion of about 16,121 of Chuuk’s popula-
tional carving and weaving skills. Food is sites, cultural artifacts and Japanese WWII     tion of 53,319. It’s also from Weno that you
                                                                                           can get your best views of the lagoon and
still cooked over an open fire and lives are fortifications hidden in the jungle to be     its sheltered waters. Chuuk’s State Centre
                                                                                           on Weno is where visitors can experience
lived close to nature and in harmony with explored by those with the energy to hike        a taste of island life by visiting the local
                                                                                           stores jammed with everything from kero-
land and sea. Outboard motors, fiberglass the interior trails.                             sene stoves to ladies wear and handicraft.

boats, telephones and televisions have
made their inevitable impact, but otherwise
                                             huuk is one of the four island states
Clittle has changed on these outer islands.  that comprise the Federated States of

Life marches to a slightly more modern       Micronesia, the other three being Pohn-

beat with many families earning a living     pei, Kosrae and Yap. Chuuk, in the Caroline

from tourism, commercial fishing and gov- Islands, encompasses fifteen large islands,

ernment work.                                192 outer islands and 80 islets and has

A ll of the major tourism and govern-        one of the largest lagoons in the world. It
      ment facilities are located on Weno,   measures 85 kilometers at its widest point
                                             and encloses an area of 822 square miles.

including the airport, hotels and dive       What lies beneath the blue waters is a sub-

operators. While Chuuk is best known for merged museum of World War II wrecks, for
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