Page 151 - Micronesia
P. 151

or an outstanding view of Weno and the     extensive infrastructural redevelopment           t is not known when the islands of Chuuk
                                                plan has begun. It consists of a five-phase
F lagoon, climb into the old light house                                                       I were first settled, but, based on archaeo-
                                                project to completely reconstruct the          logical evidence, these islands had original-
built during the Japanese occupation and
visit the Blue Lagoon Resort for a stroll in    existing sewer, water and storm drainage       ly been settled more than 2000 years ago. It
the coconut palm grounds with splendid
views across the water to Dublon Island         systems as well as pour 10” concrete road- is not known with certainty where the origi-
formerly the Japanese Military Headquar-
ters. On Sapoli, overgrown vegetation partly    ways in the majority of the villages of Weno. nal inhabitants came from. They found a
conceals the remains of what was once a
city, while at Fefan, craftsman carve Chu-      Final contractual bidding was complete in lagoon teaming with marine life and the fer-
ukese lovesticks - slender, dagger-shaped
wooden rods carved on each side, which          late 2008 and construction began in June tile larger islands covered with indigenous
are sold in handfuls to tourists with an eye
for exotic souvenirs. In past years, an Island  2009. Completion of Phase 1, which ex-         trees and plants, including breadfruit, coco-
man would carve his personal notches on
the lovestick and let his would-be sweet-       tends from the Chuuk International Airport nut, mango, banana, and taro. Although the
heart feel it. At night, lovestick in hand
he would kneel beside the thatched wall         through downtown into Mwan Village and original inhabitants must have found Chuuk
opposite where a girl lay sleeping, poke the
stick through the wall and entangle her hair,   encompassing the roadways to the financial a paradise, life was not paradisiacal. Warfare
hopefully awakening her without arousing
her family.                                     center, hospital, governmental center and among the inhabitants of different islands

M ost of the roads and transportation           projected site of the College of Micronesia and between different factions on the same
         systems are poor or in disrepair; an
                                                was completed in 2013. Taxis cost between island was not unusual. War clubs crushed

                                                $1 to $2 depending on distance traveled.       many a skull. Moreover, human sacrifice

                                                The airport It is served by United Airlines, and cannibalism were common practices.

                                                formerly Continental Micronesia, locally       Victims included young maidens offered up

                                                known as Air Mike. Tourism, especially scuba to a volcano god.

                                                diving among the many wrecks of Chuuk

                                                Lagoon, is the island’s main industry. Copra,

                                                dried coconut meat, is the only cash crop

                                                and output is relatively insignificant. Most

                                                of the inhabitants of outlying islands en-

                                                gage in subsistence activity only.
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