Page 153 - Micronesia
P. 153
Chuuk Lagoon: Interaction With Europeans and Colonization
The first recorded sighting by Europeans Although Spain laid claim to Truk, and the By the middle of the 19th century, Euro-
was made by Spanish navigator Álvaro rest of the Caroline Islands — named for pean and American traders, whalers, and
de Saavedra on board of the ship Florida Charles II of Spain — she did not bother missionaries were visiting Truk. Japanese
during August or September of 1528. The to take formal control for more than 300 traders began arriving during the 1890s.
first Europeans arrived when the Spanish years. In the meantime, explorers from Por- One, Mori Koben, married a chief’s daugh-
explorer Alonso de Arellano sailed his ship, tugal, England, France, the United States, ter, became a successful planter and trader,
San Lcas, into the lagoon in January 1565. Russia, and Germany also visited the atoll. and amassed a small fortune.