Page 182 - Micronesia
P. 182

AIKOKO MARU 492’ (150m), 10,437-ton Ex-Armed Merchant                 slope at 167’ (52m). Her s’structure is at 129’ (36m), and her deck
Cruiser & Raider rests upright. This is a favorite deep wreck dive,   is 150’ (45m). This deep wreck features two anchors on the bow,
with depths ranging from 130’ (39m) and the s’structure, to 160’      trucks in hold 1, anti-aircraft guns, an accessible galley and mess,
(49m) on the deck, and 210’ (64m) at the bottom. The foreship         plus the bridge with its helm and telegraph. Marine growth
is all but disintegrated, with the remnant of the bow flung 600’      makes the aft gun photogenic.
(183m) forward. The bridge is also destroyed. The remains of
hundreds of Japanese troops were wound in first hold aft of the       NAGANO MARU 344’ (105m) length, 50’ (15m) beam, 3,824-ton
s’structure (they’ve been removed). Penetration of this wreck is      Pasenger-Cargo Ship lies upright with a slight list to port. Due
discouraged.                                                          to extreme depth, she is out of range for most divers. She sits
                                                                      at 220’ (66m) deep, with her superstructure at 140’ (42m), and
REIYO MARU 400’ (122m), 5,446-ton went down upright in 210’+          her deck at 165’ (50m). Her smoke stack and her forward mast
(63m+) of water in the Fourth Fleet Anchorage having been hit         broken. There is a truck in the forward hold, and the mess and
by a huge bomb aft, and another near the bridge, but the Japa-        galley is full of china, glasses and bottles. The engine room is
nese managed to remove her cargo before she went under. This          accessible for the very rare deep dive groups who go there. Bow,
is the deepest wreck in the lagoon, and she is breaking up as she     stern and anti-aircraft guns are on the ship.
corrodes. Reiyo Maru is too deep for all but the most technical
of divers, and there are few desirable features or artifacts to be    HOKI MARU 450’ (137m) , 7,112-ton Cargo Ship was sunk when
found.                                                                bombs were dropped into a cargo of aviation gasoline, devastat-
                                                                      ing much of the foreship. Hoki Maru is the Ex-New Zealand ship
SHOTAN MARU 285’ (87m), 1,999-ton Cargo Ship lies upright on a        M/V Hauraki, captured by the Japanese. She sits upright at 175’
slope at 167’ (52m). Her s’structure is at 129’ (36m), and her deck   (53m) depth, with her deck at 140’ (42m), and her superstructure
is 150’ (45m). This deep wreck features two anchors on the bow,       at 110’ (33m). Hold 5 is full of bulldozers, trucks, tractors and
trucks in hold 1, anti-aircraft guns, an accessible galley and mess,  a steam roller. Hold at midship has munitions. The bow and
plus the bridge with its helm and telegraph. Marine growth            forecastle are still in good shape, but lie beyond a debris field
makes the aft gun photogenic.                                         separated from the rest of the ship. Brightly colored sponges
                                                                      dress the masts and superstructure.
SHOTAN MARU 285’ (87m), 1,999-ton Cargo Ship lies upright on a
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