Page 186 - Micronesia
P. 186
Truk Stop Dock Divers staying at the Truk Stop Hotel or diving Xavier High School This former Japanese communication sta-
with Truk Lagoon Dive Center conveniently board their dive tion is built like a fortress, with massive concrete walls and steel
boat from the hotel dock. window closures. It is now Micronesia’s most prest- geous high
school for the most ambitious students from across Micronesia.
Liveaboard Dive Boats Chuuk has both land-based dive opera-
tors and liveaboard dive yachts. The Odyssey seen here is an Chuukese Commute The way to get to the market or to work
ocean-going hotel that divers enjoy while exploring Chuuk’s for many Chuukese folks is via the family boat. These people
shipwrecks. are returning from the Commercial Port on Weno back home to
Blue Lagoon Dive Shop Gradvin Aisek (left), the son of the
founder of Truk Lagoon diving, Kimiuo Aisek, runs a museum- Chuuk Lagoon Islets Fanamu Island (shown), as well as Jeep
like dive shop as a tribute to his father. Franko adds the first Island are favorite stops for diver between wreck dives. It is
edition of this Chuuk Lagoon map to add to that tribute. surprising to learn that these islets are inhabited. You can stay
on Fanamu Island’s beautiful cottage. Inquire with Truk Blue
Chuukese Subsistence Living Since just 5000 or fewer tourists Lagoon Resort, which operates the lodge. Snorkeling here is
come to Chuuk each year, locals rely on day-to-day subsistence fabulous.
living, such as fishing and growing fruits and vegetables at