Page 185 - Micronesia
P. 185

RIO DE JANEIRO MARU 463’ (141m), 9,626-ton Naval Transport,         Marine growth is lush.
also used as a Sub Tender, and formerly a Passenger-Cargo
Liner, rests on her starboard side at 115’ (35m). The diveable      UNKAI MARU NO. 6 305’ (93m), 3,220-ton Cargo Ship sits upright
s’structure ranges from 40’to 80’ (12m-24m). The huge bow           at 130’ (39m), with its deck at 100’ (30m), and s’structure at 80’
gun is sagging to the bottom as the fire-gutted bow structure       (24m), She was almost gutted by fire before sinking. Books and
collapses. The stern is in good shape with its big gun, stern       a newspaper in English can be found, but this severely corroded
helm compass and engine telegraph on the way aft (poop deck).       and collapsing structure has no cargo.
Cargo includes beer bottle in aft hold, and coastal defense guns,
plus a load of coal.                                                AMAGISAN MARU 450’ (137m), 7,620-ton Passenger-Cargo Ship
                                                                    lies in 200’+ (60m+) water, listing severely to port and inclining
GOSEI MARU 126’ (82m), 1,931-ton Costal Freighter rests on          downward from bow to stern. It is evident that a torpedo hit her
her port side on a steep incline right off the shore on the NW      aft end. There is also damage midships starboard. The deck is at
side of Uman Island in the Sixth Fleet Anchorage area. She sits     120’+ (36m+), and the superstructure is at 100’+ (30m+), making
at only 8’ (2.5m) at the stern and 100’ (30m) at the bow, giving    access advanced and technical. A tanker truck rests off the port
her the nickname, “Stern-High Wreck” Shallow-water propellers       side near the bow. Cargo holds contain a car, bombs, aircraft
provide photo opportunity. Remaining cargo includes drums for       parts, and planking wood. The engine room is deep and difficult.
oil and gas, plus torpedo bodies. Explosives, including torpedo     The best attraction is the much-photographed bow gun.
warheads and depth charges, have thankfully been removed.
Cargo of coal remains in aft hold. Corrosion is advancing rapidly.
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