Page 344 - Micronesia
P. 344
ap Caverns - Like an underwater playground, Yap Caverns is at bowls whilst schools of 10 - 20 Grey reef sharks and 50 or more huge
parrothead humpbackfish have been seen. Visibility often exceeds
Y the southernmost tip of the barrier reef, about forty-five min- 30 meters. Depth: 3 - 18 meters. DEPTH: 15-120ft/5-35m. CURRENT:
Slight to strong.
utes by boat. The caverns gets its name from the series of tunnels
and swim-throughs in the shallower depths of the amphitheater- G ilman Wall - At a mere 15ft. (5m), the top of the wall plunges
shaped site. Coral heads forty feet (13m) tall reach toward the to over 150ft. (50m). Soft corals, lionfish, moray eels, black
surface, and gray reef sharks, humphead parrotfish, lionfish and snappers, unicornfish, napolean wrasses, and humphead parrot-
sleeping whitetip reef sharks are virtually everywhere. A network fishes are just a few of the sights drifting along this wall. Visibility
of caverns and canyons notched out of the coral wall adorned with often exceeds 150ft. Currents can be swift, with numerous up-
rich soft corals. Large hard coral outcroppings in the shallower sec- drafts and downdrafts. DEPTH: 15-150ft/5-50m. CURRENT: Medium
tions are honeycombed with narrow chasms and chimneys large
enough for divers to explore. White tip reef sharks rest in the sandy