Page 347 - Micronesia
P. 347

agic Kingdom - Magic Kingdom is a gently sloping reef at        C herry Blossom Wall - This vertical wall on the western side of
                                                                              Yap is about one hour by boat. The top of the drop-off is thirty
M the southwest corner of Yap, and is great for a second or             feet deep, and is home to both grey reef and black tip sharks.
                                                                        There is also a large number of unicorn fish which usually follow
third dive due to the shallow depths. The corals at this site were      the divers. DEPTH: 20-150ft/6-45m. CURRENT: Slight.
damaged by storm surge caused by a typhoon that struck Guam
several years ago, but the large schools of pelagics still abound.
DEPTH: 15-65ft/5-19m. CURRENT: Slight to medium.

S panish Walls - A series of “mini-walls” and surge channels            F anif Reef - This gently sloping reef is home to whitetip reef
     make this site interesting for macro photography. Reef fish are         sharks and sea turtles. Whale sharks have been spotted by our
always present, and the unique coral formations and overhangs           guests here on rare occasions. Big anemones and unusually clear

make this a site not to be missed. A slow drift dive past steeply       water make this site a great addition to a dive in Miil Channel.

descending slopes highlighted by a series of vertical walls, each DEPTH: 30-120ft./9-38m. CURRENT: Slight to Medium.

approximately 50 meters in length from 18 - 25 meters. Delicate,
white pulse corals which look like Spanish lace grow in the alcoves,
                                                                        anif Wall - Usually done following a dive in Miil Channel, this
Fcrevices and undercuts. An abundance of pink and purple lace           wall is dramatic. Visibility often exceeds 150ft. There is a series

coral grows amongst the soft corals. Search for pelagics and larger of walls bowing seaward, with a myriad of animal life converging

reef fish in the blue below 9 meters. The deeper sections of the        on these walls. DEPTH: 30-120ft./9-38m. CURRENT: Medium.

wall are visited by sharks. DEPTH: 10-80ft/3-20m. CURRENT: Slight       T he Barge - One of the closest reef sites to Colonia dive shops
to medium.                                                                   (less than ten minutes), this sloping area is full of hard cor-
                                                                        als with high peaks and deep surge channels. Divers often find
S unrise Reef - A spectacular reef is Sunrise reef at the north end     sleeping nurse sharks under the ledges. Lots of table corals and
     of Yap. This shallow sloping reef offers divers a chance to see a
variety of hard corals and soft corals, all intertwined in a true coral chrinoids make this a great night dive location, as well as for a

garden setting. Big snappers and napoleon wrasses abound. Boat third dive, or a one-tank dive just to “get your feet wet.” DEPTH:

rides are forty minutes from town, and ten minutes from Valley of 30-100ft/9-32m. CURRENT: Slight.

the Rays. DEPTH: 25-65ft/8-19m. CURRENT: Slight.
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