Page 352 - Micronesia
P. 352

apow Reef - The sloping reefs on Yap’s eastern side of the                 reck of the Laura Marie - Almost directly across the channel

G island are visited primarily between June and October, when            W from 1:2 is a fishing vessel that was intentionally sunk for
the tropical breezes of the Trade Winds dissipate. Gapow can be          a dive site in 1992. She lies on her port side in a sandy cove in 60

visited during this time, usually following a manta dive in Valley of feet / 18 m of water. Large groupers and an occasional turtle can

the Rays. The hard coral formations are spectacular, with table cor- be seen while diving this wreck. DEPTH: 30-60ft./10-18m. CUR-

als everywhere. Schools of batfish and barracudas can be observed RENT: Slight.

at this interesting site. DEPTH: 25-90ft./8-25m. CURRENT: Slight.        O ’Keefe’s Island Shipwreck - Here’s an ancient wooden ship-
                                                                                wreck for you history buffs. Possibly from the days of Yap’s
C hoqol Mini Wall - Halfway between Valley Of The Rays and               own sea trader, David O’Keefe, this vessel is 170 ft. in length, lying
      Sunrise Reef at the north, Choqol Mini Wall is a fun site, as the
clear water and shallow depth can lure even the most advanced di- on the bottom in 70 ft. of water. It’s a large sailing ship, with rud-

vers to its beauty. The reef begins in 15ft, and drops to 40 ft., then der still intact. DEPTH: 70ft./21m. CURRENT: None.

plateaus seaward and eventually drops off into the abyss. Sunlight       S unken Japanese Zero - Located in one of the “blue holes” in
penetrates this reef, making natural light photography a joy. There           Fanif (northwestern Yap) are the remains of a Japanese zero. In
is no shortage of subjects here. DEPTH: 15-60ft./5-18m. CURENT:

Slight to medium.                                                        the 1940’s, this fighter plane crash landed in the lagoon, and the

1 :2 Macro Photography and Night Dive Site - For macro photog-           two pilots swam to shore and walked up on the beach, announc-
     raphers, this site can’t be beat. Lionfish, anenomes, clownfish,    ing their arrival. The plane is in two pieces, with the fuselage and
                                                                         wings in about 15 feet/ 5 meter and the tail section in about 40

and mandarinfish can be found throughout 1:2 (pronounced 1 to ft./13 m. This plane can be seen while snorkeling, as a surface

2). 1:2 is a shallow, inshore reef with little current and almost no interval activity after a dive in Miil Channel.

surface waves--a great spot for a night dive. DEPTH: 10-60ft./3-

18m. CURRENT: Slight.
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