Page 357 - Micronesia
P. 357

In the 1980s, Continental Airlines entered into an agreement with the        an annual recorded rainfall of over 300 inches (7,600 mm) in certain
FSM that made it extremely difficult or impossible for any other air         interior mountain locations.
carrier to service the country. For a brief time, Air Nauru made flights     LANGUAGE: English is widely spoken
to Pohnpei from some of the island nations in the area, but the airline      ELECTRICITY: 110/120 volts
was repossessed by a U.S. bank when Nauru’s economy collapsed in             CURRENCY & CREDIT CARDS: U S Dollar. All major credit cards
2005. Over the years, the Continental Micronesia island-hopper route         are accepted at banks, most resorts and some other larger businesses.
from Honolulu to Guam became known for its exorbitant pricing. In            GRATUITIES: Tipping 10% to 15% is catching on in Pohnpei but,
2012, United Airlines absorbed Continental and inherited the latter’s        despite the American influence, it’s not really done elsewhere in the
monopoly in the FSM. Though the FSM has continued its efforts to             country
attract other carriers and Pohnpei’s airport is now equipped to handle       PHONE & INTERNET SERVICE: Phone service is primarily cellular.
direct flights from the U.S. and Asian mainlands, United remains the         SIM cards can be purchased upon arrival. Internet is available in sev-
sole commercial air carrier in the FSM and rates remain off the charts.      eral cafe locations in the towns and at most resorts.
Power Service - Pohnpei’s electricity comes from the Pohnpei Util-           VISA & PASSPORT REQUIREMENTS: a passport must be valid for
ity Company (PUC), a strange public-private entity that has proven           at least 120 days beyond the date of entry
itself to be wholly inept at providing reliable power to the island’s resi-  CUSTOMS: Up to two liters of alcohol for visitors over 21 and rea-
dents. Though there has been talk of research into alternative sources       sonable perfume amounts for personal use. Tobacco restrictions are
of power, currently 100% of the electricity produced by PUC comes            either 600 cigarettes or up to 454 grams of cigars or loose tobacco
from diesel-burning generators, which regularly break down. Fluctu-          DEPARTURE TAX: U S $20.00
ating current is the norm on Pohnpei, necessitating the use of good
surge suppressors with all high-voltage devices (microwaves, desk-
top computers, televisions, and toaster ovens are especially prone to
destruction when continually exposed to “brown-outs”). Scheduled
black-outs are common, and at some times of year, a daily occurrence,
as PUC is simply unable to meet the island’s power needs. Unplanned
black-outs also happen, but less frequently.


CLIMATE: Pohnpei’s hot and humid tropical climate ensures con-
stant day time temperatures of around 30 degrees Celsius. Pohnpei
is reputedly one of the wettest places on earth, each year receiving
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