Page 361 - Micronesia
P. 361

ANT ATOLL DIVE SITES                                                         enai (passage) and then follows the eastern passage wall north into the
ANT ATOLL has steep outer reef walls that drop off into very deep            lagoon, featuring huge groupers, wrasse, turtles, rays, congregations
conditions, especially on the west side. Currents can be swift anywhere      of gray reef sharks, whitetip and blacktip reef sharks, large schools
outside the lagoon and in Dauenai (Pass), but particularly on the east       of barracuda, jacks, and occasionally billfish or dolphins around the
wall. Visibility can reach 50 meters (164 feet). You’ll need a boat to get   mouth.
to all of the dive sites. Diving at And is possible from May through         Itol Rock - This is a spot on the outer eastern reef wall between Pasa
October, but the best conditions are usually September-October.              (island) and Nikahlap (island), which is sometimes considered part of
Bird Island - This drift begins on the outer reef corner north of Ol-        the next drift-dive on this list. Soft coral, rays, and lots of pelagics are
ouna (nicknamed “Bird Island” for its huge seabird rookery) and goes         to be seen here. Currents can be intense.
south. Sharks, tuna, barracuda, turtles, and other large pelagic species     Nikahlap Wall - This is a drift-dive starting at “Itol Rock” and running
may be seen.                                                                 south along the contour of the reef wall. See Itol Rock for features.
West Wall - This drift runs either way along the western outer reef wall     Currents can be very strong. Best at 18-40 meters. Advanced.
and features lots of hard and soft coral variety, caves, tunnels, holes,     Pasa North - This is a drift-dive running in either direction along the
reef fish, and sharks. Best at 18-40 meters. Advanced.                       outer reef wall north of Pasa (island) and featuring the usual And At-
Turtle Canyons - This spot features shallow coral grottoes, lots of reef     oll gamut of large pelagics, turtles, and sharks as well as blossoming
fish, and a strong likelihood of sea turtle sightings.                       coral on the wall. There are often strong currents here. Best at 18-40
                                                                             meters. Advanced.

Triggerfish Cove - This is a spot on the outer reef wall south of Sa-
karawi (Island) known for triggerfish.

Orange Wall / West Dauenai - This drift begins outside and to the
west of Dauenai (passage) and then follows the west wall of the pas-
sage north into the lagoon. The spot gets its nickname from the large
orange elephant ear sponges that are prevalent along the wall, but this
is a great place to see And’s gray reef sharks, a lot of beautiful hard and
soft corals, and macro-life.

Dauenai Pass (East) - This drift begins outside and to the east of Dau-
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