Page 360 - Micronesia
P. 360
DIVE SITES MARKED ON THE FRANKO MAP OF POHNPEI nicknamed “Black Coral,” gets its name from a variety of purplish,
Mwahnd Wall - This drift-dive on the inner edge of the barrier reef branching coral found in the area. This is one of the primary spawn-
south of Mwahnd Pass is notable for the health and variety of corals ing grounds for local groupers.
and for reef sharks. The attractions go all the way down to 36 meters, Pehleng Wall - A drift dive-along the outer wall is known for gray reef
which is where you’re most likely to find the sharks. Best on an in- sharks and the less-common silver-tip sharks, huge napoleon wrasse,
coming tide. schools of jacks, lionfish, and an abundance of soft coral.
Mwahnd Pass - This drift-dive on the west side of Mwahnd Pass is Palikir Pass - This is a deep dive and is known for its schools of large
known for its whip coral, gorgonian fans (below 30 meters), tree coral, pelagics, like tuna and wahoo, gorgonian fans, jacks, barracuda,
and macro life. It’s also a good place for eagle rays, reef sharks, cri- humphead parrotfish, and huge schools of gray reef sharks. It’s also
noids, feather stars, and napoleon wrasse. The wreck of a catamaran one of the places you may experience tiger sharks.
lies at the edge of the channel. Palikir Wall - This dive along the outer barrier reef wall is character-
Areu Wall -Located along the wall of one of the inner reefs west of ized by giant clams, triton’s trumpets, white-tip reef sharks, trigger-
Kepidauen Alohkapw, this site is about the little creatures — inver- fish, soft coral, and anemones.
tebrates, small reef fish, sponges, tunicates, anemones, and soft coral.
You can also find sea fans (18-24 meters), sea whips, white-tip reef
sharks, and barracuda here.
Joy - This spot is known by most people as “Joy,” which used to be the
name of the island nearby (the local name of the island is Nahnningi).
The dive is actually in the small bay-like channel south of Nahnningi
on the outer edge of the barrier reef. One informant reported seeing
huge mantas here. Other sights include schools of barracuda and the
occasional sea turtle.
Kehpara Wall - This is a drift-dive along the outer reef wall within the
boundaries of the Kehpara Marine Protected Area (MPA). Sights in-
clude wrasse, jacks, groupers, barracudas, silver-tip sharks, and both
black-tip and white-tip reef sharks. Lobsters, giant clams, conchs,
sea fans, and sponges are also prevalent. The island to the south,