Page 364 - Micronesia
P. 364

GUAM – FRNAKO MAPS TEXT                                                 possesses patch reefs, shallow and deep lagoonal reefs, submerged
. The island of Guam is a U.S. Territory in the Western Pacific, ap-    banks, and other reef types. Guam’s reefs are home to over 5,000
proximately 2400 km (1500 mi) southeast of Japan and about 2200         known marine organisms, with likely many thousands more await-
km (1400 mi) east of the Philippines. Guam is the southernmost          ing discovery. Many of Guam’s reefs, however, are under assault by
island in the Marianas Archipelago, which is comprised of 15 is-        numerous threats - mostly local threats caused by people living on
lands spanning over 800 km (500 mi). With a land area of about 550      the island. Guam’s terrestrial environment is fairing even worse, with
square km (212 square mi), Guam is the largest island in the Mari-      the loss of most of the native bird species as a result of the invasive
anas, and is also the largest island in Micronesia. Guam is estimated   brown tree snake, the replacement of native plants by introduced
to be around 30 million years old. The northern half of the island is   species, and intense development pressure on the remaining develo-
comprised of a raised, relatively flat limestone platform surrounded    peable land. Still, Guam is a beautiful island, with hidden natural
by steep cliffs which plunge several hundred feet to the coast. The     treasures awaiting those willing to seek them out.
southern half of the island, on the other hand, is hilly and comprised  KEY FACTS
mainly of volcanic rock. The highest point on the island is about       Political Status: Unincorporated Territory of the United States of
1200 ft (400 m) above sea level.                                        America
Approximately 175,000 people currently live on Guam, with most          Capital: Hagåtña (formerly Agaña)
living in the northern villages of Dededo, Yigo, and Tamuning. The      Location: North Pacific Ocean at 13.38 degrees North latitude,
Chamorros are the indigenous people of Guam, believed to have first     144.44 degrees East longitude
arrived on the island about 4000 thousand years ago. Chamorros are      Land Area: 212 square miles (549 square kilometers)
the largest ethnic group on the island, but Guam is also home to        Native Inhabitants: Chamorro
civilians from the continental U.S. and people from other countries     Official Languages: English and Chamorro
such as the Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, the Republic of the  Currency: U.S. Dollar
Marshall Islands, the Philippines, Japan, Korea, and other countries    Time: Greenwich Mean Time + 10 hours
from around the world. The U.S. military maintains a large presence     Population: Over 170,000
on the island, with more than 10,000 military personnel stationed at    Climate: Tropical Pacific - From 75-88 degrees Fahrenheit (26-31
the Andersen Airforce Base in northern Guam and the Navy Base in        degrees Celsius) all year. Rarely less than 70F (23C) at night.
central Guam.                                                           Seasons: Dry between January and May; Rainy between June and
Guam is surrounded by approximately 110 square km of shallow            November.
coral reefs, with an additional 110 acres occuring in offshore waters.  Rainfall: Annual average is 80 inches (203 cm)
Much of Guam is surrounding by a fringing reef, but the island also     Official Bird: Guam Rail (Ko’ko’)
                                                                        Official Flower: Bougainvillia
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