Page 368 - Micronesia
P. 368

ABOUT THE COVER                                                           About the Cover

        While visitors know Guam                       While family and faith is        Red Rice (Hineksa’ Agaga’) –
                               as the jewel of Micro-  at the center of Chamorro        a flavorful blend of seasoned
                      nesia and a favorite tropical    culture, both often find their   rice colored with annatto
                      destination for vacation holi-   place at the fiesta table.       seeds from the achote plant.
                      days, the heart of the island    Within the flower shape on       Although rice has been a
                      is really its rich Chamorro      the cover of our Guam Guide,     staple in the Chamorro diet
                      culture.                         you’ll find some of our is-      for hundreds of years, it was
                       At the center of that cul-      land’s favorite foods – from     not prepared using the achote
                       ture is a tradition com-        red rice to chicken kelaguen.    seed until Spanish settlers
                       prised of the island’s          Please take time to explore      introduced the plant to Guam.
                       Catholic faith in-              our local cuisine and discover   Achote releases a dye when
                       troduced by                     the fiesta table. It is there    soaked in water, which is
                                                       – during mealtimes – where       then mixed with rice to give
2                                                      families come together, new      a distinct orange color. Other
                                                       friendships are made, and old    ingredients are often added
                       the Spanish                     ones rekindled.                  including bacon, onion, garlic,
                       in the 1600s                                                     and peas.
                       and a                           Should you be fortunate
                       respect                         enough to be invited to a bar-
                       for                             beque, fandango (wedding),
                       family,                         fiesta (celebration of Catholic
                       rooted in                       patron saint) or a baptismal
                       the ancient                     (a Christening of a person,
                       Chamorro                        normally an infant, into the
                       culture, known                  Catholic faith), you will most
                       as the oldest                   likely enjoy the following
                       civilization in                 foods:
                                                                                        Chicken Kelaguen (Kelaguen
                                                                                        Mannok) – a popular dish at
                                                                                        almost all get-togethers char-
                                                                                        acterized by a technique used
                                                                                        in preparing chopped meats
                                                                                        with lemon juice, salt, grated
                                                                                        coconut, and hot red pep-
                                                                                        pers. Kelaguen – which can
                                                                                        be made using chicken, beef,
                                                                                        shrimp, or even Spam® - is
                                                                                        similar to chicken seviche but
                                                                                        without the cilantro leaves.
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