Page 370 - Micronesia
P. 370

Guam’s Unique Culture And Proud Heritage                           FRUITS & FLOWERS OF GUAM

   While new cultures to the        To learn more about our                                                                                                  7

   island are evident wherever      island’s rich culture, visit the

   you visit, take special note of  Guam Museum in Hagåtña or

   those Chamorro traditions        see it for yourself at a village

   that continue to thrive thanks   fiesta. No matter who you are,

   to oral traditions passed        Chamorros will welcome you

   down from elder genera-          with open arms.

   tions. Legends and folklore

   about ancient village spirits    Guam is comprised of people

   (taotaomo’na), doomed lovers     from America, Europe, Asia,

   leaping to their deaths off      and Micronesia, and all have

   Two Lovers Point (Puntan Dos     left their footprint on this

   Amantes), and Sirena, a beau-    beautiful island. We call this

   tiful young girl who became      spirit of cooperation and

   a mermaid, are portrayed in      pride in our island’s history

   stories and through dance.       the “Hafa Adai” spirit. Don’t

                                    be afraid to show yours by

   Guam’s traditional arts are      trying Chamorro food, visit-

   also very much alive. Dur-       ing our scenic and historic

   ing island cultural fairs and    sites, and giving your best

   exhibitions, visitors have the   “Hafa Adai” (which means

   opportunity to watch master      hello” in Chamorro) to anyone

6  weavers, carvers, and even       you meet on your journey.

   blacksmiths demonstrate

   techniques that have been        Here are a few other phrases

   passed down from generation      for you to learn:

   to generation.

           Chamorro                 English
   Manana Si Yu’os                  Good Morning
    Ha’anen Maolek                  Good Afternoon
   Pue’ngen Maolek                  Good Evening
             Håfa Adai              Thank You
    Si Yu’os Ma’åse’                My name is:
           Na’an hu si              No
              Hunggan               Goodbye
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