Page 374 - Micronesia
P. 374

History of Guam                                                                                       History of Guam

    tree was left standing at the     forces after a valiant defensive  Their mission was two-fold: to    granted Guam status as an
                                                                        liberate the Chamorro people      unincorporated territory with
    site, which struck Mrs. Paul      struggle by the island’s Insular  from Japanese rule and to         limited self-governing author-
                                                                        reclaim the island as a strate-   ity. The move allowed for the
    as a sign of determination.       Force Guard, shortly after the    gic stronghold for the ongoing    people of Guam to vote for a
                                                                        battle of WWII.                   governor, lieutenant governor,
    The shape of the center image fall of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.                                           senators and mayors, and it
                                                                        U.S. Marines stormed the          granted U.S. citizenship to the
    represents the sling stone                                          beaches of Agat and Asan,         “native inhabitants” of Guam.
                                                                        thus beginning a bloody
    used by ancient Chamorros in      For 31 months, the people of      three-week battle that resulted   By 1962, the U.S. Navy also
                                                                        in the death of thousands         lifted the WWII security clear-
    hunting and survival. Inside,     Guam were forcibly subjected      of Chamorros, Americans,          ance requirement for travel to
                                                                        and Japanese. Following the       and from Guam, paving the
    images of the coconut tree, a     to the Japanese lifestyle.        victory of U.S. Forces, Guam      way for the birth of tourism
                                                                        was quickly recognized as a       and economic prosperity.
    proa, and the cliff line of Two   Guam was even renamed             command post for Western
                                                                        Pacific operations due to its     Later on that decade, in May
    Lovers Point are displayed.       “Omiya Jima” or “Great Shrine     strategic location. It was a ma-  1967, a historic Pan American
                                                                        jor stronghold for the Allied     Airways flight signified the
    Guam’s flag consists of two       Island” and brought under         Forces until the conclusion       dawn of a new era on Guam.
                                                                        of World War II in the Pacific    The airline’s inaugural service
    primary colors with red for       Japan’s Greater East Asia Co-     Theater in September 1945.        ultimately led to the buildup
                                                                                                          of tourism-related businesses,
    the borders and a deep blue       Prosperity Sphere. This period,   Following WWII, the Naval         new construction, the addition
                                                                        Government of Guam was re-        of retail options, hotels, and
    making up the rest of the flag. marred by forcible subjection       established in May 1946. The      financial services. Guam was
                                                                        Organic Act of 1949, signed by    evolving from a quaint island
    Taken from the center portion of Chamorros to the Japanese          U.S. President Harry S. Truman    to an urban paradise.

    of the Guam Flag, U.S. Naval      lifestyle, is a low point in the                                    Magnificent luxury hotels, a
                                                                                                          wealth of fine restaurants, and
    Gov. Roy C. Smith approved        island’s history.                                                   fabulous duty-free shopping
                                                                                                          options have helped establish
    the design as the “Official                                                                           Guam as the premier desti-
                                                                                                          nation it is today. Due to its
    Coat of Arms” for the island      In 1942, when Japan trans-                                          status as a U.S. territory and
                                                                                                          its position across the interna-
    on July 4, 1917. On April 4,      ferred control of the island                                        tional dateline, Guam has been
                                                                                                          coined “Where America’s Day
    1930, Gov. Willis W. Bradley Jr. to the Japanese Navy, limited                                        Begins.” About a million visi-
                                                                                                          tors arrive on the island each
    formally adopted it at a spe-     freedom for religious practice                                      year from Japan, Korea, Hong
                                                                                                          Kong, China, the Philippines,
14  cial dedication ceremony.         and business activities was al-                                     and beyond.                       15

                                      lowed. Chamorro people were

    Life as a U.S. territory contin-  forced to dig several cave for-

    ued uninterrupted until 1941,     tifications through the island

    when the island fell to invad-    that served as air raid shelters

    ing Japanese forces during        for the Japanese.

    WWII. Until then, the U.S. used

    Guam as a coaling and com-

    munication station.

    Japanese Occupation               Liberation and U.S. Territorial
    (1941 – 1944)                     Status (1944 – Present)
    On December 10, 1941, Guam        On July 21, 1944, known
                                      locally as Liberation Day,
    surrendered to the Japa-          American forces landed on
                                      Guam with the sole purpose
    nese South Seas detachment        of taking back control of the
                                      island from Japanese forces.
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