Page 379 - Micronesia
P. 379

Family Fun in the Sun · Beaches         Family Fun in the Sun · Outdoor Activities

                      Talofofo Bay Beach Park                                                                              25
                      Facing one of Guam’s most
                      picturesque bays, this black-   Your stay would be in-             are those beaches protected
                      sand park is popular with            complete if you didn’t        from the ocean by a bar-
                      advanced surfers in the south.  experience the warm tropical       rier reef such as Tumon Bay.
                      Talofofo Bay was also the       waters and pristine marine         Inside this reef, water is calm,
                      site of the eastern landing of  environment on Guam. With          shallow, and only experiences
                      Japanese forces during the      hundreds of fish and coral va-     a slight current. Our south-
                      invasion of Guam on Decem-      rieties to discover, the island    ern oceans and those on the
                      ber 10, 1941, when a detach-    offers a picturesque experi-       east side of the island tend
                      ment meant to land at Ylig      ence of bold colors beneath        to offer rougher waters and
                      Bay in Yona mistakenly landed   its naturally beautiful surface.   riptides.
                      at Talofofo Bay instead. The
                      detachment marched north        Whether you opt for snorkel-       For a day trip off the island,
                      to Hagåtña to meet the other    ing, kayaking, jet skiing, or ex-  visitors can pay to take a ferry
24 landing forces.                                    ploring below the surface by       from Merizo Pier to Cocos
                                                      scuba diving, your experience      Island, a small key about 2.5
                      Taga’chang Beach Park           on our island won’t soon be        miles off the southernmost
                      Located along the eastern       forgotten. As you begin your       tip of Guam. A 10-minute
                      coast of Guam near the village  journey in our waters, which       ferry ride gives visitors access
                      of Yona, Taga’chang Beach       are warm year-round, remem-        to the whole island, a favorite
                      Park is in an isolated beach    ber to practice water safety.      spot for snorkeling, jet skiing,
                      cove once home to an an-        Keep in mind the safest areas      food, and relaxation.
                      cient Chamorro settlement.
                      Surrounded by rising cliffs
                      on all sides, the beach pro-
                      vides a natural shaded area
                      with beautiful scenery. One
                      large pavilion along with two
                      smaller covered areas make it
                      a popular spot for southern
                      families. It’s also a perfect
                      place to watch the sun rise.
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